
If force doesn't solve the problem we didn't use enough of it. :P

I hate that I laughed.


In SW or real life? Do you happen to know the name of it?

Her job security? :)

Apparently on SW you don't have a reserved seat. So if you have preferred seating (like say next to someone) you need to get on early so you don't split up the group.

Glass planet?

I got them. Not the first time I've heard RR (or other pale beers) refered to as piss water or some such (which I can see how it does have more of a uriney taste than say Yueng or other dark beers (though less so than Natty does)).

Rolling Rock is actually brewed in New Jersey (after Busch purchased it). I like light beer so I don't normally drink Yuengling (though in all fairness I like liqueur better than either) unless it's cheap on tap.

Not a pony fan?

Come on Mark. Rolling Rock is the way to go.

True. Though I would say in get smart all of the women were at least more competent than Smart (though who wasn't).

I don't know. They all look pretty generic to me. I mean the work is well done and all but really not that creative. We have 2 large guys who for some reason have no shirts. What I assume is a medic, and what honestly look like 2 characters who could take the role of scout. Lets face it though. Originality isn't

Or their opining that female characters aren't showing up without censorship. Artistic vision is fine. But if everyone only paints with shades of blue art starts to be somewhat boring.

Do not underestimate my ability to fap to an anthropomorphic squid. :)

Thanks for the explanation.

It didn't come off as snaky. Thanks for clarifying though. And thanks again for the easy to read list (I was afraid I might have to track them down and read Majority rulings and opinions to find them).

It doesn't specify whether it was used to acquire the pics or just to send them. Though I would tend to agree with you're interpretation the fact that he isn't being fired for having porn on a school account seems off. I've seen male teachers (and many female teachers) fired for less. Though maybe this school district

Not a problem. A lot of people think that. And a lot of hacking does. And to be fair it wasn't a security class that I learned it in (though the teacher also taught one).