
And they are always relevant.

So whats the game with the Mii in the top gif?

While I get their are various reasons to use a word instead of censoring it. You could do a better job defending yourself than purposely pissing someone off.

It has some cinematic merit. It beautifully handles juxtaposition of live action with animation. But then again even Birth of a Nation has merit (it was a well directed and filmed movie for the time of it's release).

It catches ire because it uses the word nigger in it. Which while an offensive slur was in common use at the time even by abolitionists and people working towards black civil rights (to my understanding). Kind of the opposite of Song of the South (which ignores the plight of blacks during the Antebellum and

So what I'm getting from your points is that most of the issue is with the Japanese government and politicians (pretty legitimately it would seem (though I'm not abreast on modern geopolitical issues between Japan and the countries it conquered)) and not with the pop culture franchise. It still to me seems like a bit

That is shitty (forcing people to wear underwear to work). Though I think I would show up in those old timey one-piece wool underwear. The ones with butt flaps.

Wouldn't it be funny if that was his goal all the time. I can just see the guy who played Joe Dirt playing him.

It could be a sit com. Who's taking care of who?

Very true. Though that is true of almost any language that has existed (and is in wide use) for this long (I suspect French and Spanish do pretty much the same) I would assume. The English Language seems particularly uninventive when it comes to curse words though. Heck it's a pity Esperanto didn't take off, that

This is the first good news I've read today I think. It's nice to see someone in such a position just apologize and not worry about defending their own ass.

Thanks. Ah urban dictionary. It's been so long since I've checked out there examples (they are always hilarious to me).

So does Jez (and I assume all of Gawker) dictate what you folks write when or do they just say "can you have this done by this time"?

White people steal a lot. What annoys me is when they/we fuck up the meaning. But I think my introduction to the term was college humor. Which while great for a lot isn't specifically formatted to explain the nuances of language and how to use it.

Anyone at my funeral has my permission to take a cheesy selfy. I also insist on posing my corpse in weird positions in the background. Hey, I ain't using it anymore, might as well make the world a little less depressing for some people.

So what does basic bitch actually mean? In the original context and all.

They also think he's a successful businessman. Can we just assume that they don't read much?

A.) I didn't make any slurs. I said specifically what I believe to be true about your mental health. That's no more a slur than for someone to call me clinically depressed. Or to say the Elliot Roberts or those kids from Columbine had serious mental health issues.

I always wondered that myself. Though in all fairness the main character isn't all that interesting. I always thought the section that had a lot of Hermione were the better parts myself.

Hey. If you keep blinking it isn't on me that your light is flashing. I'm not the one making a straw man argument. You are. I'm not accusing you of being part of some fringe group of ass holes.