
I went to Clarion. You can have ours.

I always assumed they moved from striped outfits to one color jumpsuits for this reason. Do you think in another 50 yrs we will cycle back?

Oh come on. Their deeply held belief is as real as this story. They might even invest in the movie if it is well written. After all they do deeply believe that god wants them to do whatever they can to make a buck, right?

Hey if that isn't what you meant than why don't you enlighten me? I generally assume that accusations of only caring about one race are accusations of racism. Just like I assume by MRA and victim blaming your trying to equate my comments about senators being responsible for their votes to blaming rape victims for

The article is written like a lot of them. But basically it comes down to a breach of contract (or a Title IX violation though I think this suit was based on their guidelines not being followed and such, and a Title IX suit would be a matter of a fine and not restitution solely). No one (well most people don't)

You did imply that I was a racist right here…. A discussion until you accused me of being white (which isn't true) had no mention of race. Didn't use it as a slur. I honestly believe that you have some kind of mental illness. One that if you saw a shrink you would have been given

Their lawyer would have had to justify the very real chance that they would get nothing, or that if they got more it would take so long that it wouldn't matter (when you account for the time it would spend being appealed and repealed). And even if they got a judgement in their favor their is no guarantee that it would

Yes and no. If the victims go to non-university police and report it the police can persue legal matters. The college can at most usually expel the defendant since it isn't a legal matter for them. The victims could choose to go only to the cops if they wanted. But unless the cops charge a suspect they will still be

The complaint is that the colleges have guidelines (usually based off of Title IX) that they publish. Agreeing to act a certain way. This suit was about the college not following those guidelines that it set. So it most likely constitutes a breach of contract.

Maybe they just don't like originality. American Football is heavily based off of rugby after all.

Hasn't ESPN aired MTG tournaments. And poker? Their complaints are about something that actually has animation?

In Twilight Princess the ghost thing that teaches you some moves is suppose to be a previous Link I think.

Did you take your pills today or are you just going to continually accuse me of being a racist and a republican?

By that same standard almost no place that is in any way largely concerned with evidence should hire anyone who believes in any higher power as their is no evidence of one.

I thought they tried to say they were not addressing whether or not it applied to transfusions and such in the Majority Opinion. And the Minority Opinion said that it would apply most likely to those things as well.

I would assume the same as for any discrimination suit. For instance the various disabled person protection acts don't require an employer to hire an unqualified worker unless they can within reason find a way for said worker to do most of the work. For instance you would have to hire a well qualified quadriplegic to

Well. She was have more of a case if she were applying at a standard hospital and not a non-profit that focuses on procreation (as a hospital could believably still find a full shifts worth of work for her to do without her having to ever hand out birth control of any kind).

Nope. Unless they can claim a recognized religion that states that denying birth control is a sin (most likely specifically and not generally believes this). Though a corporation can't rationally hold a belief either yet SCOTUS decided that the spirit and word of RFRA protects them.

For a religious discrimination in the U.S. suit you would have to defend how your belief is part of your adherence to a recognized religion.