
Boys with long hair still a shock? Damn I thought we as a society got over that around the 80s.

While this is more light hearted than it maybe could have been. I haven't seen Isha write on DV much. So I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt about it. Their in all fairness is more to write about for the reverse even given limited info as it is a much more common occurrence. And their is something to be

Oh I think a lot of people would be butt hurt over it in a hypocritical way. And a few of the writers on this site wouldn't ever do that. But I haven't seen all that many articles on DV from this author. So I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Plus I found the cigarette to be funny. Though if the genders

really? I thought this fit with Isha's general articles on DV. I thought hers tended to be less about manufacturing outrage than some of the other authors. At least about DV.

She may have. The cigarette is arguably a pretty amusing way to show what the crazy women thought was the issue though.

I know a bunch of people are complaining that the article doesn't seem outraged enough. Just wanted to chime in and say I think it was well written and while short adequately states the facts and your opinion on the situation (that it is horrific).

I've still seen some jokes occasionally about the board except in mass shooting examples. Their were a bunch for instance with the initial Slender Man stabbing story I believe (which was female on female).

It probably would have talked about a pattern in society. Their isn't a very large one for female on male intimate partner violence. At least not at this level.

You mean the one who wrote the article saying it's horrific?

Uh she mentions that it is horrific. Though as a society we tend to respond better to violence towards men.

Maybe he was scared shitless. I mean I assume the shooting isn't the first crazy thing she did.

I hope they don't decide that employees of the franchises are employees of the corporation. That would make getting the required percent of workers to form a union (I think it's 33%) much harder (as that would then mean all employees from all stores (at least in the US) would count for the total).

That's a pretty illuminating comment.

Serious question. Is their a reason not to see wealth as glamorous? I mean it does provide quite a bit of advantage in life. It arguably allows rising above real or perceived barriers (race, religion, ect).

To give my two cents about the Kim bashing. I think it has to do with her be the privileged rich girl to hate watch at the moment. Kind of like with Hilton a few years back. They are perceived as not being entitled to what they have (the fame and the fortune) as they didn't do anything for it (they both gained it from

If that's the case has "Science" become a tabloid? I saw the picture and assumed it was showing how most people interact with workers in general (sex workers especially). They notice the wares but not the people selling them. Then I read the defense and it just has me asking if Bat-boy will be featured next month.

It does look like underwear to me. Minus the way the top ties. But I don't wear women's underwear nor do I lifeguard a pool so I don't see a large selection of either.

Hey. That's what my mother did to get her mother into one.

I have to agree. It shows equal treatment while mocking marriage on a mockery of a show. (seriously a few seasons I get how the hell is this still on). Though to be fair it would probably have a better shot at mocking same sex marriage like straight marriage if it was on a show that could go 2 seconds without

Right here. To elaborate it will provide new material which the one recent episode I saw seemed to be needed. Secondly a new dynamic for the show to take. And thirdly it's a show that did well with Sheen on it. If that couldn't kill it this will likely only attract more attention to it.