
Putting up with Sheen who wouldn't?

I mean it doesn't target them for being black. Sorry I should have been more clear.

I didn't say that it wouldn't. I said that the law isn't racist as it doesn't target them. Not that it may not effect them more (if that look is more common among them). The law seems to me to target young people from lower middle class to poor. And black folks have a disproportionate chance of being poor.

Of white collar crimes? That's surprising that it doesn't seem to make the news all that much. Also surprising since the ur example tends to be an executive doing it. And in the US that generally means a white man. Though I guess I'm probably only thinking of embezzlement and not tax evasion (which is by far more

How does the old saying go. If you didn't piss someone off you didn't do much.

It may have come from black fashion. But that doesn't inherently make it racist to legislate against it.

And more white guys commit white collar crime but. oh wait I'm pretty sure they actually do charge whites with those more often. Though regardless stop and frisk is bullshit.

Not necessarily. My school had policies against it. My town isn't big on passing laws that will likely violate the 1st amendment. Though my state occasionally does.

I just said I wasn't initially trying to talk down to you. When you decided to mock me I decided I might as well respond in kind. And I do realize what an advanced degree entails. Though for some reason you mentioned you have one as if it should make a difference. And haven't you heard? Everyone's a critic. :P

Race specific? I generally see more white kids wearing the saggy pants look than black kids.

I didn't think I was talking down to you. And since I wasn't the only one who didn't understand that you were being sarcastic you might want to clarify that a little more. And if you are a comedian I guess you aren't a very good one if you don't understand that a comment on a blog isn't very good at conveying sarcasm.

No I mean ethnic Jews have ancestry from the middle east just like Roma have ties to Asia (India I believe). Ergo they aren't what would generally be called white (though in realistically a large number would probably count as multi-racial). Other than ethnic Jews that emigrated from Europe and the US there are also

Bethesda owns Id.

Wasn't Doom 3 basically a reboot? Would have rather seen their take on redoing an invaded Earth like in Doom 2 instead of once again remaking the first.

As a comic I would assume he went with crazy woman because it's a common trope or cliche and thus makes for an easily understood message. If it was Colbert or Stewart I might think they but more thought into the other implications. But on comedy Mayer hasn't ever come across as that analytically to me. He's about half

Well. The way we're ruining the planet. I would rather bet that in 10,000 years people won't be around.

And eventually they'll die. And anyone they raise will die and so on. And at some point no one will even remember that you existed. Seems like a pretty pathetic reason to have children. Just in that it eventually won't matter anyways not that I think the goal itself is pathetic.

Hell. There was a group of Gnostics during the middle ages who this was basically their conclusion (no clue if that group is still around or not).

Ah. Thanks for the correction. It was thought to be tied to the uterus though, right?

This seems odd to me. They have no problem with the aspect of her life that they are paying for. But this they take issue with?