
I may be mistaken but doesn't the law only come into play once the baby is born, and not when it is still a fetus?

There almost always is. Take your pick of a law but their almost always seems to be an option to avoid the charge that being wealthy would provide.

Well. And people who have existing conditions that amphetamine treats well and other things do not.

So why didn't they (the politicians) opt to force drug addicted mothers into a substance abuse program, at least for first offenders?

I pointed to the book that was being quoted from as well. If you would like I can site a few medical texts that say that whites are superior to all other races. Or some psych books that list homosexuality as a disorder. My point being just because a textbook say it (even a well regarded one) doesn't mean that it's


<sarcasm> Well don't you know? Clearly if we don't whine about our privileged online (which means enjoying a relatively expensive technology) it means that we are racist and don't recognize our privilege. </sarcasm>

Actually Sociology as per "Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology" isn't concise on that issue. Critical Race Theory (which some sociologists agree with and some don't) asserts that.

Nice right up. Minor gripe though. Chimps actually make war on other chimps quite often. They have been seen attempting to annihalate other troops through what we would call guerrilla warfare.

Aw. Did I touch a nerve. Better watch out or they'll put you back in the padded room. I hope they keep you away from sharp objects or power outlets. :P

God dammit Luke. Stop showing cool games that need to be made. :P

God damn it Kanye. Stop doing things I think are cool. you narcissistic ass (I say while acting like a celebrity owes me something). :P

Great article. I love how it isn't really partisan but still looks at the issue.

That's funny seeing as southern poor should be around 50% white (well that qualify for assistance at least) and in my experience a lot of poor people lie right of the middle politically. God some people need to get thier heads out of their asses and look around.

Don't you love how if your poor it obviously needs to be your fault. It's never just a turn of bad luck when some people way in.

I'm not a Repulican you partisan idiot. I think all politicians are lying wastes of space. And I'm sure I'm not the only one to serve in the middle east. But at least I 'm not a useless waste of space who can only blame one group. God it must be nice to live in your world where everyone who disagrees with me is a

Oh yay another lap dancing teacher. So we have what, Texas and now Florida? Something in the Golf Coast water?

Awe Bunny. :)

I served in those wars. So please tell me all about poor you and how your a victim. And how you feel sorry for those poor rich (mostly white men (thought I hardly see how their race or gender matter)) who signed the Patriot Act without reading it and agreed to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. If they cared enough

I always thought so.