
See I liked the style but Odyssey (if I'm remembering the arc correctly) just was as good to me as some of Gail Simmon's stuff (though her take on Bane in Secret Six was horrible I thought).

Hey if the democrats were push overs that's on them for not having the conviction or backbone to vote against it. Just as much as the RFRA was (which while Clinton signed it I think the house and senate were Republicans). They also all agreed on going to Afghanistan without an exit strategy.

I'm still mad that Tom Bombadil and Radaghast weren't in LOTR.

I see what you did their.

But blouse is the correct term for a number of common male tops.

See I would love to go to drinks with him. Mostly so I could steal his toupee though. And make jokes about how stupid someone has to be to put him in charge of anything (seriously the guys filed bankruptcy).

Well. To be fair politicians (on both sides) sent them to war. And no one seemed to be to upset about it then either.

Funny. I just got done reading the Disney Domestic Violence article, and see a video with pictures of John Lennon.

Is it me or do these seem to oddly look a lot like Drawn Together?


I would have thought two humans and a polar bear.

Similar to how so many claim that comprehensive sex ed will lead to everyone being gay. :P

I would argue that any of these slippery slope arguments could just as easily be made about straight marriage. Though I suppose if the right to marry animals were to be given we could assume gay marriage would be legal (I mean it takes a pretty open mind to say someone can marry Fido).


Thanks for the correction. I always heard the the federal government could impose laws to protect civil rights. I should have included that I in no way have a JD (or even a BS in a pre-law program).

Did she win a lottery and decide the universe was telling her to right the wrongs she did?

So couldn't they avoid that problem (and effectively undo the Hobby Lobby case) by getting a law through that would retract RFRA or amend it to not include corporations?

Thanks for the perspective and for the clarification.

He was naked? I must have missed that. I assume (considering that someone said they noticed him before) that he either has serious mental issues or was intoxicated and just broke in to go to sleep. Since I can't imagine keeping an 11 yr old quite could be that hard (especially with any kind of planning).

I didn't even know this existed. I blame you for the hours I'm going to waste watching this. :P