
Thanks. That's really sweet of you. Best of luck to you and your family getting away from assholes who like to denigrate people.

Understandable why it's important to you. And commendable that you've spent so much time talking to me.

I usually do use ripped off. This is probably the most I've typed gyp in my life other than when I researched the meaning of it. Swindled is a bit old fashioned for my taste as is gypped.

I appreciate that your trying to educate me to be as you would see it a better person. It must be incredibly annoying for you.

Yeah. Not going to stop using picnic or vandal either. All that cracked article is showing is words often change meanings. Even if it was based on or created to be offensive.

Yeah. I don't agree with reclamation theory. And again. While it shares a root gyp doesn't have a history of being used as a racial pejorative.

FYI. Gypsy is also used for other nomadic people such as Irish Travelers. In addition some Romani groups use Gypsy as a self-designation.

Not when their on the ground and being struck on the head repeatedly.

Nope. Was just scrolling through to see what pics people put up.

Whats this from.

Well. It would be more interesting than the sandwich lady's book.


Great piece. I was set up to be sad tonight (assuming that their would be more horrible news). You honestly helped my week end happier. Thank you.

Er I mean it's all good. I should reread my posts when I drink.

It's all could.

I meant the Blue Wall is shit as in it is a bad thing. Not that it doesn't exist (it's pretty obvious that it doe).

Thanks for the info.

Which is a problem. The one bright side is that if they continue to loose their licenses boards will be less likely to re-license and hospitals will be less likely to hire. Also the cost of moving repeatedly. All together this should provide many with incentive to improve and not pull the same shit again.

I assumed it went without saying that I hope he doesn't so much as work as a rent-a-cop.