
Sorry. But which post of mine are you replying to?

Very true. Look at politicians and CEOs (some studies seem to say that they are drawn to those positions).

Well this is America we're talking about (so yeah probably not).

I really don't see why they don't make cops get tazed before being set out to do actual work. It seems they should have great knowledge of the tools at their disposal, including what said tools will do to someone. Also why the hell can't some of them grasp that people convulse when they get electrocuted. It's like

Don't most cop cars tend to have them?

Oh. I'm pretty zealous to see him convicted of something. It's police like him that make people not trust the police. And punishing him accomplishes a few things.

I would disagree that her/his last few posts are victim blaming. I can see how his first few could be taken that way (it is easy to take the vague "they could both be at fault" to mean that the victim is responsible for the beating in part) but his last have been pretty clear (at least to me) in saying that she wasn't

That seems counter intuitive. What I mean is (assuming your refering to slavery at least in part and the marriad of other mistreatments that the colonies and then USA did to them) it seems like they would be beaten and then treated to whatever else was in store. At least in similar situations where their is little

It does. Even a psycho is less likely to beat you if they don't think they are being challenged by you.

What. The. Fuck.

Um. They've tossed cops in jail and/ or off the force for this shit. It doesn't happen enough (that the cops are punished and the "Blue Wall" is shit) but it does happen. As far as paid leave, they usually can't do much about that. Cops usually have union contracts that prevent suspension without pay before an

Not necessarily. Police often have union contracts that state they have a right to a formal inquirer before termination or punishment.

I disagree that it was her fault he pummeled and stripped her. However regardless of race cooperating does decrease the chance of being beaten. Now of course people of color get a shitty end of the stick more often and get the crap kicked out of them even when they cooperate. All in all I think that we don't know

Maybe if he tackled her and didn't hit her. Don't get me wrong. If she is charged for resisting arrest (assuming it was for actions before he pummeled her) I have no problem saying they both did something wrong. But from the part we can see (which until we hear one of their stories is all we can know about) at least

Did the officer know she was mentally ill? He went way overboard regardless.

Look. I understand that resisting arrest sometimes leads to a tussle. But by the time he is swinging she seemed to be subdued. And even if she wasn't, he seems to be purposely stripping her (as opposed to trying to keep a hold of her by grabbing her cloths). Also he has other less dangerous tools (than pounding on

That's why they installed camera's in the cars isn't it? I mean the idea was to dissuade police brutality.

Not to be overly critical. But if they required a baccalaureate degree it might get to hard to staff a force. Similar to how getting enough social workers can be hard.

Good point.

I get what you mean now. I should have tried to look at what meanings you could have had before trying to heckle you. As in hindsight it's pretty obvious that that is a pretty reasonable interpretation of what you said.