
Oh I agree that it sucks. My point was more of a "what's to be done"or "c'est la vie" than a "this is all fine and dandy". Sorry for not being clear about that. And for the record I think it would be fun to work at one. I just realize that in a competitive field (like CS or IS) my potential boss's morals or

Psychopaths are good liars. But assuming really thorough interviews and background checks they shouldn't be able to hide it easily. Actual psychopaths (from my reading at least and discussions with professionals in the mental health field or who studied it) tend to be bad at long term lies. I.E. they might be able to

Cops watching other cops and rotating who is with them seems like with larger forces (where you can make sure they don't know whether they are going to get reported by the other or not) seems like a decent start that may cost less. Uniform camera's just seem problematic (from a cost and technical perspective). I mean

Thanks. I haven't gotten to be around many goats.

And I pay for that when I pay for the meal. Thanks but I'm going to stick to not aiding in a system that is used to justify not giving a fair wage. Also it's pretty hard to do badly enough not to get a tip from me. Ignoring my table for a long time when it's slow or being antagonistic are about it (also taking a

Your post seemed to give the impression that you were comparing them to Hitler. If that wasn't what you meant to imply I apologize for putting words in your mouth.

Regardless my point was they should earn a living wage and not be fucked over by a lower one.

Actually FN is pretty on board with community programs (especially charitty). They seem to take issue when the government itself does stuff.

Not my job to compensate them for their service unless I feel grateful. That would be their employers job. Also at most areas I worked that had servers the kitchen didn't get a portion of tips and bussers just got an equal cut of tips and I think the bartenders only got a portion of tips for tables that got drinks and

Um it is if it's something Hitler didn't agree with. Also regardless of whether he did or no it would still be an ad hominem to imply someone is comparable to Hitler.

True but they may choose to just not apply for benefits. Which means the kids aren't helped, and the addicted parent(s) aren't either. And with the cost the state isn't helped.

The armed forces do drug test.

Why would it qualify as an illegal search? They aren't being forcibly drug tested as a paroley could be. They are free to choose not to be tested. in that case they simply won't get the money.

Nice that you realize that. So are you admitting to having a paltry intelligence since you attacked him/her (the Hitler comparison)?

Foster care I suppose since their parents are (by the logic implied that they are choosing drugs) not taking care of said kids. Though it's not like the foster care system exactly works much better than the welfare systems (both are pretty broken).

True. Though there is no guarantee that they ever payed income taxes. Lets face it. Getting out of poverty is pretty hard.

Their are free grants. About 20% of my college was grant money from PHEAA or federal programs. None of it was based on achievement. It was based on need. So I guess said money could be considered part of a social welfare program.

So does the tail wagging imply that the goat is enjoying itself?

Only if your sure it won't negatively effect your chances or is really the only relevent experience you have. For instance if I apply at Planned Parenthood and I had volunteered at anti-abortion groups would it help my chances to list it? I might just want to run their IT for them and collect a paycheck but they would

Hey it sucks. Like that commentor who worked at planned parenthood. She might not get hired at a number of places because they feel negatively about it. I've passed up jobs when I was desperate working at an adult novelty store because I realized that might negatively effect my employment chances. Heck on the other