
Do you care to explain what that problem is in more detail so the rest of us may learn something? Seriously I'm not sure how it's a problem (like I don't understand you point of view not that I disagree with it nnecessarily).

At the very least their shouldn't be a lower serving wage (i.e. server min should be the same as min wage). Even if I get horrible service (which I refuse to tip for) the server shouldn't be put in a situation where she isn't able to figure on a baseline income (though most states require min if they make less with

I agree. I've always been unhappy with the amount of emotion in the legal system and arguments for new laws (i.e. the patriot act or some of the arguments for the death penalty (like the what if someone killed your insert family member). it seems to me that relying on emotion walks the system closer to revenge than

Fair enough.

He isn't Japanese in that movie. It still isn't very good. But he's a Civil War veteran / mercenary that get's captured and learns the culture. It's problematic in it's own way I suppose, but they didn't white wash the character . He's technically an American Samurai. The movie really did suck too.

I would say that seems more sexist than racist. The guy in the back seems aware and alert, which is what you would expect when something blows up in front of you. The woman on the other hand is either in shock or vapid. Just extrapolating from the scene here (I haven't seen this movie).

Theirs a theory about nostalgia that movies started capitalizing on in the 80s (Disney started re-releasing their old animated movies) that has payed off pretty well. It basically said that if you reinvent or re-release something every 30yrs you will get the original audience to take their children to share what they

Because someone thought it looked cool. Though to be fair a number of the bots seem to pool influence from samurai armor (optimum's face plate and antenna(? the things on the side of his head)). I suppose someone thought may having one look like an up-sized metal samurai was a logical continuation of that.

In Bay's defense. Using ethnic, cultural, and religious stereotypes is pretty true to the 1986 transformer series and the original movie.

Right because the best way to deal with someone is to call them stupid and insult their (not involved) family. Congrats on proving the worst of the internet.

He's actually (at least in that last comment) arguing over what the ideal society should be in his views (and apparently he thinks anyone has attempted to form such a society and/or that we didn't abandon it long ago). I suspect he is an libertarian or some such. Which is in line with his claims of what would

Great post.

In his defense (pierre) he didn't say Opie (? I don't really listen to them) was legally protected for being fired for his speech. And while a majority might abhor it (actually I'm not sure as I've heard many people who don't consider themselves racists make comments that could be considered that way) it was probably

I suppose you are right that it is a form of censorship. But it's also an expression of free market. Also I'm sure they would have censored his ass quicker if the majority applied the same pressure, because it would effect their bottom line more.

Twitter is public. It isn't like saying something to some friends and being overheard. It's like screaming it at Grand Central. Did you mean his personal account?

Does that include the vast number who don't go to trial (because so many DA's care about conviction rates and people (so the jurry) are gullable/ misinformed/ live in lala land).

Some states have degrees of rape as well. For instance in PA "Statutory Rape" is second degree rape.

It isn't a 50/50 split by the CDC from what I've read (and please give me a link to that document if I am wrong). And even if it was that is looking at who the victim is not the perp (again correct me if I'm wrong maybe they have new stats that I missed). Most rapists of adults are men. I think it was closer to a

Wasn't that always common? I remember PSA's about bad touch and doctors telling me that when I was little (I'm 26).

He/she didn't say irresponsible they said that it is a risk that you accept with that activity. Regardless of whether women can have abortions or not a fetus doesn't just pop out of nowhere. Well baring quite a few stories from different religions (which I would say are superstitious nonsense) or hypothetically if