
Well all living things have DNA (dead formerly living things as well obviously). A developing life (such as a chick) is technically alive. Ergo life has begun. I assume you mean in a philosophic manner. Which again to me it has begun at conception. I don't hold human life (as a whole) as any more special than said

A troll in the sense of internet slang is someone who purposely riles people up.

Did you miss the part where I said the woman's rights trump the developing human's. It is much a human as a chick in an egg is a chicken on a technical level.

Uh sperm only has half a set. Kid gets other half from the ovum. Look it up if you don't believe me. And I'm telling you I am for abortion and prefer to refer to myself as pro-abortion. Think what you want though.

Male hormones do effect their mental state. Trust me. :P

Also you do realize that once it starts dividing and is attached to the uterine lining it isn't classified as an egg any more, right? Just a biological fact. Not anything that should really effect this law being vetoed.

My initial reply was because I thought the OP was saying factually speaking they aren't alive. Not because I'm pro-life. While I feel abortion is murder (philisophically (legally speaking it isn't except in some cases do to Violence Against Innocent Victims Law (which I'm apposed to), I feel that a woman's right to

Being alive doesn't imply viability on it's own. The bacteria in your colon are alive too. And much like the fetus they can't survive outside of a body.

If an amoeba is alive (which it is) a developing embryo is as well. I'm not saying it should have the same rights (or any rights for that matter). Just biologically speaking it is a live (granted as a parasite (though it probably doesn't count as one technically because it would eventually not need a host), but eh.

Oh. My bad. I thought you meant that it was factually inaccurate to call it such.

A. we don't exterminate dust mites. They are microscopic and live on your skin.

Wait. If I have medical insurance it will pay for my condoms?

Um. Even if you feel that it isn't a human life. It is still alive. So are chickens, dogs, dust mites, ect.

Ah. Sorry. I should have been more clear. I meant before the suspected prostitute had full due process. My bad.


I know a few who actually feel it is different though. It's kind of hard to get to the why though since they no I'm pro-abortion/choice/ "baby murder"(as they see it).

Actually hormones can effect ones emotional state of mind to a point. Hence post par tum-depression. But they are probably going on the belief that getting an abortion has negative mental health effects. Which seems to be pretty unlikely (given that most medical professionals and a few studies say that it has no real

"Should the unborn child of a rape victim have a different life or be less important than another unborn child?"

Justin Justin Justin. Things just keep looking worse for you don't they.

Would it be a really late term abortion? :P