
Thanks for sharing this Hillary. This was pretty neat. If you excuse me I'm going to hock a kidney to pay for my eventual wedding.

And anyone who can't understand the concept of an opinion is probably a moron. Good day.

This is awesome.


Yes. Buyers remorse implies that she had sex and then was sorry about it. You said that it implies that she didn't want to initially, not that she was sorry that she did.

Uh it is a differing of opinion. Just a pretty important one. And I didn't say drilling for oil as that isn't a strongly held personal belief for most people. I said ACA, abortion, and immigration. All of which tend to be more deeply ingrained ideas. How do you expect to stop people from being racist if you refuse to

I actually meant more along the lines of driving political issues such as the ACA, abortion, immigration/ illegal-immigration and such. Not more trivial things like sports and peanut butter. You know, things that actually effect people.

Do you agree with your friends on everything they say? I would assume not.

So cute.

RAINN if I remember correctly uses a more restrictive definition of rape (partly because so many states do or did) so that figure isn't exactly accurate as it doesn't include rape by enclosure(?)(when someone forces someones dick inside of them against said dick posesors will). But yeah 14.5 sounds about right. But my

I kinda think they might just be idiots.

Oh they probably wouldn't get it. Think about it. The racism is for the most part over the top compared to (arguably) theirs. The jingoistic Columbia would probably be compared to the confederates (which I suppose is fair as both succeeded) and they would probably see the religious aspects as parody of what they see

Fox News is I think actually a separate companies (though Murdoch owned 50% of Fox Film Entertainment who owns 20th CN Fox and I assume the subsidiary stations). The other thing to consider is that (according to Fox News) their political commentators (who I assume attract the most viewers) and news reporting (which

Is that a reference to NCIS?

That would just confirm that they are very popular (viewer wise) and that their viewers seem to feel that way. Nice try though.

I was agreeing with that. Sorry if I wan't clear enough. Though. Or did you mean convicted prostitutes aren't criminals. Because technically they are (if found guilty).

But if you spread vegamite in your underwear they won't drop on you.

My dreams. You crushed them. :P

Your comments almost always make me laugh hard Emma. And seriously now I want the book too. Is getting this book a trend? I just checked the reviews section. Apparently not.

You had great friends.