
You know what. I'm going to be misandrist here. And ageist. Teen boys are the stupidest things on the planet. No I'm aware of sponges and jelly fish. Teen boys are still the dumbest.

Addendum I would actual consider them all human issues because I feel focusing on sex in matters like these allows people to push them to the wayside as not their problem (obviously more common "the women's issues").

I take issue with telling the victims how to feel. I do agree that the child is wronged, though legally it is possible to sue the woman ergo the men are the victims at least as much. Though I do feel bad for the children who get screwed over. So I do get where you are coming from.

Not really sure how I feel about this. Though it seems wrong to post pictures in a specific section before they have been tried. Though it isn't like the mug shot isn't already public record. I'm surprised their isn't a law suit brewing.

Would you feel the same way if they posted the prostitutes pictures? They are technically criminals so it's not like it isn't public record.

so can we assume that someone with bot in their name is just a very advanced chat bot and not a real feminist? :P

That's a pretty broad brush to paint with. It may not be hard to find sex, but their are any number of reasons one might chose to pay a prostitute instead of trying to pick someone up. Your listed reason is definitely one, however I'm sure their are many more reasons.

Well they do effect men more than women. So if rape and domestic violence are women's issues why wouldn't veterans' affairs be an men's issue.

Considering Freud's views (what I know of them) and his cocaine problems I would think that he would be more likely to blame the victims of having penis envy and bad relationships with their fathers.

Not really. Tons of people are friends with people whom they see as romantic or sexual partners but who don't feel the same way towards them.

Buyers remorse as a term doesn't imply someone didn't want something. It implies that they did and once they got it they no longer wished to either have it or felt gypped by it.

It's not just them. No no the old saying about asking for advice. Most people just want to hear that they are right. Heck I doubt hear or most of the rest of gawker is any different. People like an echo chamber.

Well part of it probably comes down to staying with the woman. Another part to if you aren't bio dad and haven't filed for adoption (why would you have) you have no rights to a continued relationship in many areas (legally). So your once seemingly stable home is now much less stable. As for why a woman would do that.

Except that "cave men" were by and far polygamists. People lived more or less similarly to neanderthals and other apes for the most part.

That really isn't how evopsych works you know. According to most archaeologists humans were originally polygamists similar to a number of other apes.

4 b and 5 b are actually correct I mean with a bit of reaching. Quite a few countries refer to their AA policies as restorative discrimination and I guess technically 5b would be right if by some magic we (humans as a whole) were allowed to hit anyone. And the draft is sexist in a way that harms men I suppose. C2 is

Gotta admit that's pretty impressive. Do their dicks grow in relation to how much of a dick they are or is it all about angles and wind speed?

So can anyone explain. Why if men don't trust that they are a child's father, they wouldn't just demand a paternity test? My cousin (and in all fairness his babies mother) didn't know and it wasn't a huge deal. They just had the kids DNA checked.

Kafir is an Arabic equivalent to heathen. SA probably picked it up from some group that spoke Arabic and then used it for Blacks. If the fruit originates from S. E. Asia (where Islam is pretty popular) it's name probably has nothing to do with black folks. It's essentially the Arabic equivalent of heathen.

Isn't coon only an American pejorative?