
I would assume they make more on the produce at the better place as it probably has more wealthy customers so they can afford to through out bad produce and still have a good margin. Where as in a poor neighborhood they probably sell it cheaper (I assume, let me know if I'm wrong) and thus thoroughgoing it out means a

Well Kafir (the word that kaffir originally meant something along the lines of Heathen) and not specifically an equivalent to nigger. So it's quite possible if it comes from South East Asia that kafir has nothing to do with blacks but rather that it's an odd looking fruit.

She seems reasonable to me. I have totally went off on people for loosing shit before. Granted it was my car, but I've heard little kids cry. Those dudes are lucky she didn't bring a gun.

Thank you.

I'm taking back shrill and shrieking. I'll be over in a corner screaming shrilly and shrieking at the wall.

Well in defense of the moron cursing is a constitutionally recognized right. You know kind of like religious belief. And when you go to work you are expected not to for a slew of reasons (generally customers but also to have a nice work environment). It's almost like Hobby Lobby was chosing to trade it's ability to

what is that gif from?

"He's a man, so he's allowed to be disappointed with something without being accused of hysteria, of irrationality, or "shrieking.""

You would.

That's what confused me. But I didn't know if maybe they encouraged or allowed women to "Push up" their breast in a competitive way (like a wet tshirt contest only no water and different rules). And I'm definitely willing to believe these claims. Though I am a little biased against GS and other businesses (even though

Fair point I suppose. Though I know satire occasionally comes across as somewhat sincere or more palatable to the people being satirized. For instance I know a number of conservatives who love Colbert and can't stand John Stewart. They seem to feel that Colbert is in somehow being more sincere despite the fact that

So the in office push-ups contest. How is that sexists? Seems to be more ableist than anything. Or is it not the kind of push up I'm thinking of?

Great piece. Sorry to see such ugly and paternalistic comments popping up. Who is anyone else to tell you what is right for you to do.

True. But if they opened the tourney to girls and one won she would then again still not be able to play at the tourney that this is a qualifier for. No reason for the Finnish org to do that. it doesn't really help anyone. One less player isn't going to effect the Korean host league.

While I see where they get that reasoning (they host female only tournaments so they can promote female players so it would make sense to conversely have male only tournaments as well). I think they are going about it the wrong way. A marketing push would probably be sufficient.

Probably just an upbringing where they are taught breasts = bad.

A.) I'm multiracial not white. Though I doubt that had much to do with my direct raising as culturally it is fair I suppose to call me white. B.) I did look inward on the lessons I took from my upbringing. I did not however realize how old this video is. And in all fairness her formative years are very disconnected

Will that perfume help when winter comes? :P

That's not how she sold it in the interview. And super defensive? Neah. Just dismissive of an assertion that someone not of my group knows more about how I was raised and what I should have taken away from it than I do.