
This is awesome. Thanks for posting about this Kat. After few days of depressing news (that hole SCOTUS Hobby Lobby ruling and some other pieces). A nice really endearing piece.

Yeah I know what you mean. I mean I'm pretty universally a under sensitive jackass. So everything is funny to me. Except denying others pain. While I don't feel cultural appropriation is bad (in general), melting pot and all, and I love racial jokes (and ethnic, religious, really I love black comedy a little to much).

Hope you don't mind but I'm stealing this for use in my arguments. It sums up what I wanted to say better than I could.

Except most people probably understandand the sociological definition. They just disagree with it. Their are multiple reasons for this.

Yeah. Not so much. Most of them got that from the video, the article, and these comments. A lot of people are just uncomfortable with saying "oh an authority figure said it so it must be true". They get the argument that racial prejudice is more damaging to a group with less power than a group with more. They just

That was beautiful.

I would say over-sensitivity knows no group bounds. I would also say under-sensitivity doesn't know any bounds.

Except I wasn't raised like that at all. Nor where most of my white friends. Really very few people I've met seem to have been raised that way.

Side note: Probably should have pointed out. But I don't think what she did was bad in any way. I dislike the dismissal of peoples pain just because of there skin color (or income/ religion/ect). But I love jokes about race. If anything I like hearing and seeing white ones more because I haven't found many that aren't

Yes I would still call that racism. From your statements I assume your take is more that it isn't racism if their is a wrong to be mad about. I don't really accept that. I don't accept the whole They (Muslims though most Americans seem to think Arab=Muslim and vice versa) attacked us (911) as a reason not to consider

First off. Thanks for pointing that out for me.

It does. But not because of their color. Because they are vulnerable. They aren't treated with less value because they aren't white is what I meant. The fact that they are POC means nothing to industries. The fact that they are poor (and thus cheap) means everything. Lets for instance use China as an example. Are they

I haven't seen that movie (just the trailer here). But it seemed to parody "angry Black people" (the disertation on gremlins). Now I get a trailer isn't necissarily the best to go on (but I haven't gotten to see it yet :( ).

Some of the people who used that also taught that black people are superior to whites and all others. So it could be seen as offensive. Now most of them haven't been in prisons or large urban area so I doubt many have ever ran into a member of the Nation of Islam. So they probably just feel that black people shouldn't

A better way for them to have phrased that would have been "no ones getting screwed out of big bucks ... because of their race". It's kind of just the nature of capitalism to exploit the shit out of anyone to turn a buck.

Actually. Lately. The KKK is pretty funny to watch. So much back peddling and infighting is hilarious. Bringing gangs together to counter protest them. Their kind of a parody right now. Though I understand how her actions aren't comparable to conjuring up the image of a group that regardless of anything else is

Just because someone did something wrong at one time doesn't make it right to do at another time.

Why do you assume that a white person couldn't hate black people for poor treatment they received from them.

Why does it matter that the government where white. Buffalo soldiers where volunteers. Sounds to me that out of the people running them out of their homelands the blacks are the ones that they can be sure choose to be their. Simple enough logic their. If someone killed my people I would be angrier at the ones who I

Really? So if I work in a predominately black area, with mostly POC coworkers and bosses. Me being is white still going to mean I can't be fired for that. If people like me make up 5% of a school you really think I won't be able to be victimized?