
Coming Saturday, from SyFy Films: "OCTODRIVE"!

When you close the door, a blinking blue beacon needs to start flashing on top of the fridge, and a sound chip needs to play the "TARDIS traveling" sound effect...

I want- No, I MUST HAVE- a Spiderbike. It makes a Segway look practical.

Velocirabbits! I can see a mash-up of the rabbit scene from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and "Jurassic Park" with those bad bunnies. "Clever girl", indeed.

Dibs on C'mell!

At around 1.5g, methinks the arches wouldn't be so high. (Well, maybe at first...)

It's as compelling as a Supertrain wreck.

At Motel ∞, we'll leave an infinite number of lights on for ya! (Just don't ask about the electric bill...)

Y'know, I think I stayed in that room after the monkeys left, once, in Omaha. The smell was terrible.

Know what'd suck? If the Message started at digit 10,000,000,000,001.

I'm from Kansas. Apart from Fred Phelps and Sam Brownback, two of the scariest things we could claim as completely our own would be Zombie John Brown and one of the Seven Portals to Hell in Stull. (I think there's another in Sunnydale, CA...)

Actually, they can and DO nod- just once.

But "Hush" wasn't a stand-alone. In addition to advancing the Buffy/Riley arc, it was also one of the earliest Willow/Tara arc episodes.

"Toy Story 4/Cars 3' is the final score of the Pixar Softball League's first game.

His suggested redesign for Ms. Marvel makes it look like it'd just take a simple poke to the center of the chest to power her down (or give her a case of the Red Ring O' Death):

"How does one drive a 340-ton boulder into Los Angeles?"

What you really need is TWO dogs in that costume...

It's the sequel to "Horton Hears A Horror".

Because technically, if you are "faster than light" in bed then your partner won't be satisfied. In fact, they'll realize that you are a poor sex partner BEFORE the fact, thus ensuring that you won't get laid.

Wouldn't "around the Sun" or "to orbit close to the Sun" or "to examine the Sun" be a more appropriate lead? It's not going TO the Sun, unlike our Solar Probe Plus, which will pass through the Sun's upper atmosphere. (Of course, an accurate lead would mean we couldn't have the "hurr-hurr" joke opportunities for