
The Sandman isn't a tortured "spector", although the hair IS similar... Methinks they meant "spectre" or "specter".

Actually, I was going to make nine milk puns, but I lactate.

Don't you think you're milking the humor, here?

Add to that the "repetition factor" created by the MUCH lower cost of attending films in the 1970's- the reason I saw "Star Wars" twenty times was not just that that the theatrical release was the ONLY way to see it, but that it only cost me one dollar to see it (fifty cents if I saw it at a matinee.) I saw "Star

"Forever" is a short-short story written by Damon Knight as a cautionary tale on this very theme. It was published in OMNI Magazine in 1981.

Maybe we could knock the plasma cloud back out away from the Earth, if we launched a a nuclear missile from the nuclear submarine Seaview from the Marianas at exactly 1600 hours on August 29.

Cooking with propane? Unless that dumpster has some serious ventilation, that's the world's nicest deathtrap.

My girlfriend watched this video and said, "Look! It's WALL-E! You know, like 'We Are Looking for Lifeforms, Everybody!'"

Or this one...

Run! It's McDeusa! He'll turn your arteries to stone!

Yeah, it's fun and games for all... until the local organized-crime family discovers a new place to hide the bodies...

Yes, but does R2-D2 know about this?

Or run from predators.

I hope there aren't any Martian cats, because, well... you know.

I always thought that we were evolved to be born without fully-grown brains so we don't kill our mothers (and by extension, ourselves) trying to pass a full grown brain/skull through the birth canal.

Does it really matter?

"Buying Time", by Joe Haldeman.

Definitely a "Saw" prop. Some poor sap trapped in a room puts his head out a porthole, and zing! He's an important six inches shorter.

Tagline: "Your dog will froth at the mouth for 'Old Yeller' dog food!"