
I don't know. I watched the English just 'cause, you know, Morgan Freeman.

My only suggestion is to own it. Be honest with them. You are fine. Like the song says, The race is long and in the end it's only against yourself. You have nothing to prove.

Child-like cry: Iron Giant

It's hard to say without knowing the specifics, but I think the most important thing is that they are made aware that this is gonna happen and are prepared for it, that they are free to express their thoughts and feelings without repercussions, and to make sure that you and their father are both there for them fully

A younger relative of mine has posted some pretty sexually explicit photos of herself on FB. I don't want to judge or shame her, but she has a lot of family and, I think, her new boss as friends. Can anyone provide some kind of script or words I can use to let her know this was a bad move without totally crushing her?

Those monkeys are awesome, but this this not squee. It's slightly terrifying.

Well, if this helps, I'm kind of in the same boat, in terms of milestones. I've made peace with it though. I've felt kind of disconnected from that urge that everyone seems to have, to join the rat race, I guess, to get this, get that. I haven't fought it. I've settled into it. Just recently, though, I've felt a

This is true. They were the innovators. But if you watch the actual full shows from the first few seasons, they were pretty hit and miss too. What SNL has going for it, and always has, is that it's prepared in a week and it's live. No matter what, it'll always be a thrill to watch them pull it off. Or not, as the case

I'm atheist as well. I don't have a problem with people wishing me Merry Christmas, nor do I have a problem wishing others a Merry Christmas. The best parts of Christmas are pagan traditions anyway. :) And the people I know from other religions are not fussed about this particular issue either. I agree with the other

Those tortoiseshell ladies really do look like each other, don't they? It's striking. This is mine who likes to curl up on my lap while I'm working. (One of the benefits of working from home.)

I think I do. You're talking about finding that balance. What if being content is actually being complacent? But on the other hand, do I really want (insert item here) or is it just because everyone around me has the relationship/house/kids and I feel judged? That kind of thing? It's really tricky, filtering out and

You need to make the decision that's right for you, of course, but I hope you take some time to evaluate your situation carefully. My personal opinion about plastic surgery is that it may help one's self-esteem in the short run, but if you don't look inward a little, then I think, as someone else has mentioned, this

I hear ya. And I think the answer is yes, absolutely! Be happy with where you are. Enjoy being on your own. I think it would be great if more people did that every now and then.

I have a bump on my nose too. It's unconventional. It's me. If folk don't like me, or whatever, because of it, they're likely ridiculous anyway. No big loss, I'm sure. Although, in my 40 years on this planet, I can't remember one incident of someone running away at my approach. :)

This is the first time I've ever wanted to actually see a fashion show. Ever.

Agreed, but, man, she was so good in that Travis Wall piece. So controlled, yet powerful and graceful. The Powerful Contemporary Pieces of the Night can all kind of blend in to one another, but that one really struck me, even on the repeat performance.

True about the tapping v. hip-hop.

I disagree that Amy was a weaker dancer. She was pure grace, strength and rhythm in every genre. I believe they were equally strong, albeit in different ways, but I think Amy nudged Jasmine out in the vote because she was more outgoing. Jasmine seemed painfully introverted (until she was on stage, where she just

Lol, it bagels my mind too, Thomas. I can't quite figure it out, but I keep getting this image of the Little Rascals and their He-Man Woman Hating club in my mind. Meaning, it's not a stance meant to be aggressive or mean, more a little immature and closed-minded maybe? In any case, I like your reasoning. Maybe I'll

I was recently told by a friend of mine that while I "walk the walk and talk the talk you're not a geek because you're a girl." Flat out. Nothing to do with looks, conventional or otherwise. If you are female, you cannot be considered in any way a "geek".