
No worries. My first thought was, "Can those of us on this side of the pond who use "zed" still read the article?" So, in fact, WE are that guy. :)

It appears as though you've made some important life choices without maybe a full and deep understanding of yourself. Maybe you are still quite young, maybe there are reasons you haven't been able to acknowledge your own anger, your fears, until now. At this point, though, it would be good to be honest with yourself.

You may enjoy Yann Tiersen. He did the Amélie soundtrack.

Now playing

Jean Leloup loomed large in my teenage years. (Hope you mean French-language and not French per se.)

At the end of The Champ, when Ricky Schroder pleads with his father, "Wake up, champ. Don't sleep now. We gotta go home." Just thinking of that scene makes me tear up.

I think the list was specifically about stand-up comedy, so fair enough.

There's a quote I like. It goes something like, "We judge ourselves on our intent but others on their behavior." I think it's Nietzsche. Bottom line is, if your guy is generally a good guy, first thing to do is maybe try and see if you can change your perspective on what you have been attributing his behavior to.

This is how the fight goes in my head for events like these:

The kid gave me goosebumps of patriotism.

Yeah, this article kind of bugged me because it starts and ends with an admonishing of the media for focusing on the wrong thing in this story, yet the body of the article is all about the "bewitching girlfriend." Sorry, Jezebel, you can't have your superiority cake and eat it too. We see what you've done here.

No, I never really watched AMC or OLTL. I've been a GH watcher on and off for years now, since the early '90s. You? You're an AMC watcher?

It's kind of a strange situation because ABC has the actors under contract, but Prospect Park owns the Todd/Starr/McBain characters. From what I've read, they've left GH to go to PP for a month and a half, but then the actors are coming back to GH, most likely as completely different characters, and PP will most

That was awesome, Michael Shannon should get...some kind of award for that, but as someone who was never in a sorority and went to a university that I'm not even sure had sororities, can someone explain to me what the girl who wrote the letter was so angry about? That her sorority sisters were going to events they

I've had periods like this and my advice would be to not panic about it. It's almost counter-intuitive, but if the moment you wake up, you feel the frustration of not sleeping through, that's what keeps you up. A poster above said don't turn on the tv or check the internet. In fact, I would suggest doing something

In fact, removing a child from the only home she's ever know at the age of two is incredibly damaging. She may not remember it, but it will forever affect her. No matter what's happened in the past, it is not in Veronica's best interest to remove her from her home at this time, and that's the only thing that should

Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm the same way in Spanish. Although give me a couple of drinks and I'm fluent!

If you haven't seen it already, I'd recommend tracking down Richard Jeni's recounting of catching Jaws 4 late at night in a motel room. It's hilarious.

With your permission, I'm gonna steal that Han and Chewie bit. I've lived in Montreal my whole life, living a full-on franglais life, and I've never heard that before, but I just love it.

I really appreciate it. Thank you! And #7 made me lol. Nice.