Magic Mike Piazza

-Vice President of Ultimate Frisbee

He hit a moose...with his hand

Cuban Baseball Players Acting Like Cowboys Ranked:

For me, it wasn’t that the characters were underdeveloped, but that the relationships between them were and the movie acted like they were. Rey spends all of a day with Han Solo, he gives her a gun, and all of a sudden, he’s the father she never had? Rey never even meets Leia and they’re hugging intimately when she

For when the One Sports Network comes


No way the NCAA would ever allow a player to make that kind of money.

[ML Carr’s stable of draft picks Ron Mercer, A.C. Earl, Eric Montross...] ... [Turtle’s pubes from the Entourage dream-sequence]

Can we please get a “this is sportscenter commercial” where a old school school nurse is checking everyone’s head for lice, and then scott van pelt sits down with a giant smile on his face.

Endy Chavez was a happy moment for a couple innings...

God, I wish you guys did a baseball version of Why Your Team Sucks.

That’s badass.

I really enjoyed Midnight in Paris. And Annie Hall, I’d never seen it growing up or whatever but watched it a few years ago. He’s a New York filmmaker in the way that New York rappers are so distinctive to me, but...yea.

Flannery is and always has been a beast. I hope history remembers her better than her contemporaries seem to consider her.

Sort of like how George Carlin used to correct people who called him an “old man” by saying he was actually an “old fuck.”

I like the debate, however I have never used fat fuck as a term of endearment.

Oh, I get it. Baked, like bread.