
First you say he’s too good for the minor leagues, then you say he should be playing for the Blue Jays. Which is it?

In all seriousness, I do wonder if that’s the same gun Craig James used to kill five hookers at SMU.

For those of you caring about spoilers, the book is just about 14 years old now. Isn't the moratorium for spoilers the immediate 10 years following release or something?

You might want to rethink your assumptions about SABR. From this SI article, Trout is valued at between $40 - $60 million per season over the next 6 seasons.



Yes, please. Only Richie and his friends are allowed to hate.

Fuck football.

Yep. If you're going say things like "I'm a professional" or "this is my job," then the locker room is your goddamn workplace, and there are a shitload of laws prohibiting this kind of garbage in the workplace.

That's exactly the WRONG way to think about this. You can't measure this in a relative way to other locker rooms. This is awful behavior. No one, in any capacity, should ever have to put up with this shit.

Ahh, "context." Because doing any of these things would be fine as long as other people in other locker rooms are doing them.

I'm waiting for the morons to start talking about "toughening up" and "that's how locker rooms are." Abuse like this is uncalled for, unprofessional, and archaic.

If NASA was funded like the military, that thing would be riding on a bed of chrome 22s.

Just call Xzibit. MTV's new show: "pimp my crawler"

If the internet has taught me one thing, it's if a red arrow or circle suddenly appears above or around you, you're fucked.

Remember, you have to blow the horn right before setting off the explosives, it's good sportsmanship.

I guess that makes it

Is it even legal to hunt deer like that?