Is Daredevil will be on guard?
Is Daredevil will be on guard?
So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.
Why do people want to hug kids anyway?
Go ahead and sue, asshole. Lawyers will line up to defend these women pro bono. The discovery and depositions alone will keep you in conference rooms for years. And we’ll enjoy every second of it.
Fuck yeah, let’s get this party started!
A little egg on egg action?
That is really weird! I have the EXACT same hallucination. It happens when I’m sleeping on my stomach with a knee bent so my legs look like the number 4. My ghost cat curls up right in the center of the 4 after I hear a soft thud on the mattress as he jumps on the bed then I feel the weight of him walking accross the…
“I moved on Iraq like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she already had a president. Look, just bomb. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a Secretary or State, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
Your username made me gasp in delight.
Stila all-day waterproof liner pen. I have tried it all, and this one is the best. I tried to use the YSL and Laura Mercier gel pots, both transferred. The kat von d skips. The mac penultimate is atrocious. I love stila all-day pen and then I sometimes use the Mac liquidlast liquid liner to go over the flick if…
Stila all-day waterproof liner pen. I have tried it all, and this one is the best. I tried to use the YSL and…
I’d fly a Ralph Stanley sticker.
Panhandle checking in. All we have up here is “Hillary for Prison ‘16" paraphernalia. Yard signs, bumper stickers, T-shirts. You want to show support for jailing your political enemies? We’ve got your hook up.
I mean, I think it’s critically important that he have an EPIC loss on both counts, personally. I would also literally rather set fire to my own pubic hair than cast a vote for him.
One of the reasons I miss living in NY. I didn’t have to worry about that. Now that I reside in Texas (not Austin), I keep my damn mouth shut, and bumper stickers off my car for fear of the exact same thing of which you speak. Though getting my car keyed is more likely than getting shot at. Intimidated by a jackass…
Must be nice to live in a solidly blue state. You probably don’t have to worry about getting shot at or run off the road for having a “Hillary” bumper sticker on your car. I wish I were using hyperbole here, but I’m not.
I was getting an IUD inserted, and the gyno could not find my uterus (?) after getting her probe through my cervix. She was digging around in there forever, and narrating the entire time: “Wow, I’ve never seen anyone built like this, you’ve got a weird setup, for sure. Just bonkers!” Then, I started crying…
my obgyn once delivered a baby that was HOLDING ONTO THE IUD THAT TRIED TO THWART IT.
Okay so it’s not really “gross” and I probably told this story before, but it’s still hilarious to me.