Maceo the Cat

He’s the worst. I liked him for about 10 minutes, then realized every column of his was:

“There comes a point in any 24-hour movie marathon..”

Go watch Enter the Void. And be sure you see it on a good, big TV.

Why, it seems like you and I might like different things!

Enter the Void and Irreversible are two of the best things I’ve seen in the past decade. There, I said it.

Hey, you’re the asshole who had kids.

This meant something entirely different for Cowboys players asking to see Charles Haley’s club.

Was talking with a friend of mine a couple weeks ago. He works in the front office for an NFL team. He told me one of their players basically never gives more than about 90% of himself, but that 90% is better than most. He then rattled off a few other players in his experience who fit that mold.

Yeah, you’re just wrong. Sure, many players are obsessive, but many are simply gifted. The great ones are a combination of both. (Also, not sure what “level” you’re talking about with Watkins. Sure he has the makings of a really good WR, but he’s played one full year and caught 65 passes—pedestrian by today’s

Actually, I deleted my comment. I recalled that Red Man does in fact make dip.


Fair enough. As a Yankee fan, I loathe John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman. Most fans seem to agree with me, but there are plenty who like their schtick.

That’s it? One thing? That’s why you hate him?

Ha, good one. He’s in the front office. And certainly not for the Patriots.

You’ve used this line before. It was even close to funny then; worse now.

Teams get their asses kicked in every stadium?

I’ll voice an unpopular opinion:

Sure, chance come off mistakes, but they also come off being aggressive. If you're 2-on-1 down low and don't score, you're giving up a 2-on-1 the other way. And of course those are a lot easier to score on the 3-on-2s.

Sure, but it doesn’t take a member of NASA to jam a signal.

A friend of mine works for an NFL team. After the Steelers’ headset problems in Foxboro this year, I asked him what he thought. His reply: