“You stick it right up my fucking ass!”
“You stick it right up my fucking ass!”
“Homophobia, vandalism, racism, all on a Sunday”
Glass houses, internet commenter.
Waiting for the update that she’s just been hired at Fox News
Well the guy is dead so he is objectively good at murdering.
In retrospect, football was sort of a thing he fell ass-backwards into for a while despite being an irredeemable turd. The most interesting aspect of this case isn’t that a football player was just convicted of murder, but that a murderer actually managed to have a short pro football career.
He’s gotta be looking at at least a four game suspension for this. Possibly more if a video surfaces.
13.5 full days that baseball is giving back to fans.
Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.
It’s sad that whenever there’s a discussion about race the homophobes feel obligated to come out of the woodwork to join.
Unless I missed it, you didn't mention that Eastern Orthodox Easter is generally a different date, this year the following weekend, because they follow the Julian calendar. Their Easter is a much bigger deal, more important than Christmas, and ALWAYS follows Passover. Because the Last Supper was a Passover dinner, as…
“Hey baby, want to see my COBRA?”
Actually, I think the text in the article is correct. When you favor a limb, you treat it more carefully. See the OED for favor (verb), definition 7 here: http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/686…
Anywhere else? Pretty sure if I threaten to rape or kill a stranger's wife or daughter "anywhere else" you'll probably get the cops called on you.
More like Sochi-cago, am I right?
We are especially concerned about how this legislation could affect our
student-athletes andemployeesrevenue streams.
your* so close...
It's Indiana, not Insteve.