
Why the fuck were you on Jalopnik?

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Little League Baseball - Championship Series

That fucking stove got what it deserved.

Best article this site has ever published.

This is the dumbest question of all time.

Paying more money than other people to look like you’re better skilled than you actually are is the basis for the private education system in America from kindergarten to college. I’m good with it, even if it’s stupid.

So that’s how you make bath salts...

“Characters belong to their creators.” Go back to school and try to say this in any literature classroom above entry-level. Just for a semester. Try it.

Scrolled down to say this.

Oh, I’m pretty sure they got lots of comments from him—-just not ones they’re able to use. Your best bet is to get one of the Deadspin staff drunk if you want to know what’s up.

This New York Times piece from 2013 was great at the time. Harbinger. You should check it out.

I’m the kind of guy who LOVES craft beer. I try different kinds whenever I see them, wherever they’re from. If there’s something new on the menu, I’m all over it. I’ve tried nearly 1,000 new beers in the last couple of years (Untappd app is the greatest).

When reached for comment, Coach Bollant said that there’s no way his treatment of the players is worth $10,000,000. He asked that they settle for $6,000,000.

That non-call on Johnston was massive. Absolutely should have been a red. Changes everything about the complexion of the game. Add on the PK for the US that shouldn’t have been a PK, and this win doesn’t look nearly as good.


Soccer, everybody!

I gave up halfway through this.

Last game I played on an emulator was the original Pokemon. I’m not buying a handheld system just to play one game. However, I totally would have purchased it had it been available on PC or any of the consoles I own (PS3, PS4, X360).

What a dick.