
The Browns are supposedly eager to put this in the past and are willing to give up their 2014 1st Rounder to make that happen

Wow. Wow.

The article or the 'hey, maybe the Bolsheviks were pretty on point' party?

"Wow that guy from Vikings organization is really riding him!"

"An NBPA lawyer has brought it up as something the union plans to fight to overturn during the next round of labor negotiations in 2017."

well, since george carlin said it i believe it

Nobody cares about your high school.

If anyone knows about getting 9 points on one drive, it's Jim Irsay.

What kind of second rate sports site would pay for a picture of a naked athlete?

I haven't read this article, nor do I care to read it in a fair and meaningful way, but I fully agree with Doc's position on a blanket ban of gay marriage in these United States. Moreover, he's absolutely correct that Obama should be prosecuted for treason, and his staunch opposition to the scourge of reverse racism

We should probably be looking at what black people should be doing to make Chip less racist.

I work for an Hispanic non-profit and this issue comes up frequently, especially in reference to the Census since Census data impacts funding and services. As Tim said Latino refers to people from Latin America, and Hispanic refers to people with ethnicities derived from Spanish-speaking areas. Some people can be

You could argue that his career needed one.

3 kitchens and I didn't see 1 lunch pail. smh


This whole "you're intolerant of my intolerance!!!" argument has got to stop. Taking your example, we shouldn't be able to shame KKK members, because, hey, it's just their world view. Or we can't condemn Muslim nations who oppress women, because it's a religious thing.

Saying you disagree with someone else's lifestyle is one of the more arrogant things I've ever heard. I mean who the fuck said it was any of your business in the first place, asshole?

I disagree with the Mets lifestyle.

Eh, fuck that guy.