Someone should be embarrassed.
Someone should be embarrassed.
This guy's tears would never disappear in rain.
Love that they're copying the idea of a deposed and recently imprisoned former dictator.…
Well, wait. Is Marcus Vick still considered an athlete?
You're absolutely right. My bad.
It's The Flash. Any ground ball is ultimately a home run. He'll reach base safely, then three pitches and three steals later, it's over. And he'd be the greatest center fielder of all time.
Can you imagine if any American announcer said this about an American team?
Giving it a free education.
The problem here isn't the hit; it's the inherently dangerous pass that leads the receiver in such a way that requires them to fully extend while in full stride to make the catch.
There will a point in time where writers will pay an actual career price for saying such insipid things. I hope it's rapidly approaching.
"The NFL's claimed reputation for wholesomeness is hilarious," tantalizingly, because "of the weekly felonies committed by its stars, the bounties placed by coaches on opposing players, the homophobic and racist comments uttered by its players, the complete disregard for the health of players and the premature deaths…
Unlike Charles Whitman, this one missed.
I've never wanted to spit on a person more in my entire life.
Someone's looking for the reset button while muttering, "Game is so fucking unfair."
"it's worth mentioning that the Packers played three of their eight home games each year in much-larger Milwaukee from 1953 to 1994."
After practice interview: