
You read it 15 years ago and I watched a movie about it 25 years ago. Yet oddly enough there is no tour to the Ark.

I believe you’re thinking of the Ron Wyatt claim of finding what seemed to be the remains of the Ark in Durupinar in eastern Turkey. This was examined very closely, not only by skeptics of the Biblical account but by several YEC (Young Earth Creationist) PhD geologists who take the account of Noah literally and would

Basically, it’s a wash. Sounds about right. Both have strengths, both have weaknesses. Use whatever you like better.

haha, I haven’t had coffee yet and briefly read that as 5 MW. I was like, ‘holy shit, a bunch of iron mans walking around’.

Reverse Google for April fools!

I’m okay with leaving my life here and moving there.

Cool, I hope we can help them without destroying their interesting culture.

As small as the world has become in my daily life and travels, I find ‘pockets’ like these fascinating.

Doesn't it

Webos is still alive!!!! all hail the king

What I'm wondering is why no manufacturer produces a device this size with, say, 16 SD card slots in it and a RAID controller, a ram buffer and a coin cell battery. You would get great speeds, get to choose how much capacity you want, and when a card or battery dies, you just replace it.

I swear I was almost ready to buy the album. What album? I don't know. Is there no album? WHY IS THERE NO ALBUM? But it's more fun watching. He/this instrument should open for some rock act like Aerosmith or something. That is amazing. And who doesn't like bastardizing an instrument to make sounds it didn't seem

Great. Apparently my 9 year old son has a big box of potential Japanese tentacle porn in his room. Always nice to identify another parenting failure of mine.

Just be sure to shut off your phone and pay cash when buying your tickets.

I know this may sound stupid, but technically a weighted Monkey's Fist knot is illegal to have in California, as it was used as a weapon during the merchant mariner riots of the early 1900's.

The main question for me is how will the European Union and UEFA react, because if someone from Serbia had unveiled a flag of Greater Serbia in Tirana or Pristina (capital of Kosovo) it would already be on the agenda of the U.N. Security Council."UEFA match delegate Harry Been said: "It is a regretful situation on

"Miiister Anderson..."