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    FYI Jezero word, means ‘lake’ in some languages... 

    I’m waiting for my spinners bu this is what I wish ti find for my fingers


    Wow, what a cool project!

    Hahaha, a Yugo :)

    I have found that my Nexus 6 steals the attention of the room by being a unicorn. No one knows what it is, who made it. Everyone is drawn to it for its mystery :)

    I heard that Juno already spotted a black hole in the vicinity of Jupiter....

    Great news, but, since everything is relying gas powered transport, and many types of jobs are directly relying on gas... The whole transit to EV’s is going to be tricky....

    I grew up with one of those, and it seemed awful huge for a music... Player...

    I cannot not to worry about this so I think about it a lot, and a stuped idea came to mind. In my head, ice age seems better than mad max desert planet scenario. So, what if we cause an ice age?

    Great idea. I had the same idea a while back, and I will act on it, once.

    It’s an arduino, with only 6 I/O ports...


    Jupiter is our solar systems big brother, it takes care of our system by absorbing space rubble... It could be that we are lucky to have the giant there for us, or it could be that it is a part of a greater design... Either way, it is good that we have Jupiter.

    It looked like a scam from the beginning...

    I think I recall a story about Ferrari buing back a vehicle from a kreten who had a trailer hook on it....

    I don’t understand the point of this. If the limit is 33f, why not put a tank at that level and let it overflow into a pipe which can than take the water to whatever depths/heights...

    The safest way is to go off line :)

    For people who have a private life, G+ is a great social media.

    Signal resembles the MUT model, which I have and love. Signal is obviously designed for the outdoor type users.