
Just a reminder, in case you missed it in the text of the article, InSight lands in a week!

I’m right there with you Julie, but for me it was the original Star Trek communicator. I’m so old I watched TOS in first run in the ‘60s, and the flip-open communicator was the coolest thing I had ever seen*. I wanted one for 30 years, then ran right out and bought a Motorola StarTac the day they hit the market.

I thought I had read somewhere that the production crew had to rig the phone to be spring loaded, and that the actual phone you had to slide out manually.

I thought all you needed was love.

That’s why we need to focus all our efforts into using the power of Greyskull.

Our theory as kids was you traveled back in time if you managed to “cross the bar”. Guess that lays that theory to rest.

HL3 Confirmed, 100%!

Probably this guys heartbeat.

Now playing

So not really satellite. Just like one. Got it.

It’s more productive than you being bitchy on the internet

But she was driving on the right.

If it really was a hoverboard, wouldn’t it have hovered?

Frankly, I’m surprised this wasn’t already invented hundreds of years ago.

How do we know the Minion wasn’t the one to push her out in the first place? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

There’s so little information, it could be just about anything if you properly rationalize it.