
Here is a short list to improve the world (environmental and beyond):

"around the corner"

Shite. I think you mean shite.

Think about it like this. The entire population of the world (7bil) could fit in Rhode island with 6sqm of space. Makes you think about the whole overpopulated thing doesn't it.

Put it on a Roomba and call it Rosie.

How long until Big Dog is put to work delivering packages for Amazon and pizzas from Dominos?

SwiftKey is where it's at. For some reason, Kinja ruins the input of text here in the comments if I use the standard Android keyboard. It works great with SwiftKey.

I don't really care about the watch, but I LOVE the little hippo it is strapped around.

I do not doubt they would do that, but they have to work first. I imagine they will be stuffed with gum, shit, dirt and anything else that can be crammed into the USB port.

I'm usually a fan of function over form. But jeez, these are ugly!

Wireless charging would be more convenient no? Why would I a...awalk around with a charging cable or such a charging station hasn't been manipulated?

wait a minute, they used to kill cats to take photos on mars!?

Not only the SOUND but there is a legend among riders about the vibration of the engine at a certain RPM and the effect it has on female riders.

Just like with electric cars, nobody is stopping you from purposely, artificially generating that noise.

There aren't any USB charging ports on busses because every one of them would be jammed with a wad of gum 5 minutes after the first load of passengers gets on the bus.