
Beauty is a delicate thing.

This is dangerous! Where are the responsible parents? If you don't teach this kid about coffee, No-Doz and bumping lines now he will never be able to find work as a trucker, especially when future employers check social media and find this 'cute' little video of a child who was clearly not fit for driving...and he's

aww, how cute! His first DUI

He's an early adopter of the self driving car.

So I guess that if you collide two photos and it doesn't work....

No we can't....Why?

Close, but, uh, no cigar.

not really related but women can cause happiness, but can also cause unhappiness to.

I appreciate that the fine volk of Germany are trying to re-invent the playground to make it more challenging to allow for a new generation of physically fit youth, primed for discipline, as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp's steel. I do not believe such a plan can go wrong.

So…..the mouse gave her an infection and she's trying to wash it off?

There's good naked and there's bad naked.

The Beijing Smog Research Institute recently opened. Research has yet to begun there. Above is a picture of the scientists trying to find the front door.

My vote is on user error.

Without food and fresh water nobody is going to do anything.

What I really want is a webOS style of managing running apps. iOS has gotten close... but the 'swipe from gesture area to show all running apps' from the Palm Pre is still the BEST way to switch between apps of any mobile OS.