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    Yes and it is a slow and agonizing process, but because I'm always safe, I glance at the keyboard and position my finger over the button, and buttons being physical, I'm able to press the right one just by having the sense of orientation.

    Do any of you remember Nokia Morph concept?

    It seems that tablets are useless, and as much as I despise iPad, it is the only one that makes sense.

    I'm far off, in Europe, and feel lonely with my Pre, and I have no support, or updates, I'm still on and still crazy about my phone.

    You know what would be hilarious? To integrate into it(into this wireless device) that app that recognizes the song and finds it on line, and if it could recognize the song if you start singing it, if you can carry the tune that is :)


    You are right, and I also enjoy a funny post, but this was distasteful. I still do think that funny remarks could be presented in a more decent way.

    This is an embarrassment for giz. I seem stupid to expect some decent journalism, and often get disappointed.

    That narrow cut for the indicator is the only nice thing on it, and it is old news.


    I really enjoy these futuristic ideas, and this seems like something I would like to see in reality.


    " You are, however, a masochist if you do get one."

    I envy you, because I'm in Europe, and have to wait and hope for the GSM version to come out. And the way I got a hold of my Pre is hilarious, and no support is sad, and besides all, I still love it :)

    Respect HP , love PALM, believe that H/Palm has more to give, and surpass Apple.

    DELL INSPIRON DUO 1090 running ubuntu is working as opposed to it running win7 for which it was designed.

    I can't help my self:

    I believe that this is gonna be great but, I also think that the time of the tablet is out of time, noteslate.com and something like DELL INSPIRON DUO 1090 running ubuntu is the thing of the future.

    The phone privacy thing started being an issue since phones became more like our computers, and the nosy friends are a force of nature.
