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    I bought something similar, but I paid 3$ and it has a solar cell integrated. It lasts for a while, but is the brightest for the first 30 min, after that, it is still usable, but not for biking.

    It is unexplainable how the brain works, and these "patterns" shown in the video are the example of commute evolution, or the evolution of driving. I haven't been to NY, but I lived in Moscow for a while, and drove, and I noticed that the driving is mostly similar everywhere.


    The prices will go down, and soon. I'm experimenting with LEDs myself and will inform u all of the price it took me and the effect it gives when compared to incandescent bulbs. I am using a homemade LED bulb for my car, (bulbs for the faintest light, which in my country we call "position lights") and with only 2 LEDs,

    This happened to a man I know, here in Europe/Serbia, but no one 'barged' in, they politely came in and talked while confiscating his computers, and it wasn't his neighbor but it's more likely that someone drove into his WiFi range.


    Finally !!!

    yes, stylus. Oh and about touch interface, i believe that we need a lot of touch displays all around us, because it is useful and natural to humans, but so is the stylus.


    Actually, if something happens, you can just jump, or continue running.


    .gif sucks, I use .png

    Hey, this gave me an idea, by removing the paint, now you can have your iPhone in any color you want, by applying foils in any color you want.

    @mikepetty: for me, that is the interesting stuff, and I hope I'll get a chance to work on some projects like that

    The future we've been watching in SF movies is finally possible

    And In the update,

    @DaddyMassacre:Thanks, glad you like it, here is a better look at the current situation

    @tehsquish: Thank you very much! It should be finished by the end of the week. I'll post a video showing how it works as soon as possible.

    @matttrick: Well, I don't live in my bathroom and I said that it was in the making so I don't see what you don't understand, oh and in Europe, we build our homes with concrete and bricks, and that is what dry concrete looks like.