
Couldn’t agree more. CAn’t sell your articles (advice: hire an editor because that shit was long and drawn out)? Get a job, any job, while you write at night and build your name. That doesn’t work out and you’re still short? Get two jobs and write on the weekends. At the end of the day if the writing gig isn’t working

The gym membership line got MAJOR side eye from me!

OK, the system sucks and taking away your driver’s license is destructive to your earning potential and unhelpful. But, like - if your kids lived with you full time, you’d have to find a way to make it work. As the mothers of those kids already do. Stop thinking of child support as something you will pay when you can,

It appears she found a real man. Not this fucking loser. He sounds just like my former brother in law, always some excuse for being 50k behind.

Raising children is inexplicitly hard. Imagine how hard it must be to have all these burdens AND have your children live with you full-time as a single parent. I’d love to read an article by your ex to hear about her trials as a single mother raising 3 children on one income, how she manages childcare issues, making

I seem like a parent who is responsible for my kids, who was raised by parents that took their own responsibilities seriously.

Same... while I have sympathy for what he’s going though, I was real interested to read the comments on this piece. Living the life of a starving artist is an okay choice to make if it’s just affecting you, but in this case? And affecting your kids for so long?? At what point are you damaging your kids to fulfill a

Seriously! This guy sounds like a total asshole. Get a fucking real job that pays, man! You don’t even have to give up your writing to do so. Or even if you do, it sounds like you’re not giving up much. Support your fucking kids.

Me, as a child-support paying divorced mom with 50/50 physical custody, who still buys school uniforms and new shoes and haircuts for my kids because my ex-husband won’t.

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

Get a real fucking job. Better yet, get two! You have the time because your kids don’t live with you!. You are a grown ass man, and the fact that you call yourself a writer does not excuse you from being responsible for the lives you created.

Even the welds look shitty and I should know—I’m a very shitty welder.

“I will tear up the Iran nuclear deal” Dude literally shut up, if you wield enough power to destroy a deal that came out of long negotiation you are nothing less than a.dictator. Running for POTUS and making stupid statements like that to appeal to the dumbest of the dumb is just terrifying.

This reminds me of the Top Gear episode where they took over an art gallery...

Oh, so is this the reason HE KEEPS SAYING “CARPET BOMBING?!” For fucks sake, he needs to read our own Rogoway’s pieces on the Gulf War so he can stop having verbal cow diarrhea.

I’m sorry, but referncing anything at Breibart automatically excludes you from the “To Be Taken Seriously” category.

Torch you definitely have to post more about art history. I can already see the posts now....

Let's all just hope the US doesn't end up in Cruz control.

This can only end well...