
I will miss the 200. I drove one for two weeks. The interior and trunk make excellent use of the space. The center console is hella useful. I planned to hate the 4-cyl or the transmission at first, but I drove 2000 miles without really disliking them. Had plenty of power for three people and their luggage. Never felt

I wonder if the officer’s reaction would have been different if the biker was on a cruiser.

bull fucking shit

I had relatives who fought on the side of the Confederacy. Two of them are buried in a cemetary not far from the family farm. There are no shortages of museums and memorial battlefields where anyone- including native Southerners whom actually had relatives who fought in that war- to pay their respects to- and have. We

nonsense. all southerners fought for it. its not like its explicitly stated in the confederate states article of secession or anything

You missed the point by 1,000%. But let’s put this into context. How would you feel if the most personally offensive thing you could think of was proudly displayed at one of your tax-paid-for government buildings?

except if you’re black and every time you walk into a public building theres a monument to someone who fought for the right to own your great grandparent as a commodity right?

Sorry about the breakdown, I really am, but I think this is going to be a much more entertaining car to read about than any of the others thus far. Unreliable or not, it’s still a sexy beast and I want one.

Doug this certainly confirms the Aston was the right choice, plenty of material for the next year, unless you get fed up with it after the 6 month mark having only been able to drive the car for 30 days total.

Isn’t this more about helping others mitigate risks to themselves?


Israeli company. It’s a yamaka with a heads up display.


Yes, but why is he wearing a sombrero?

Good work team, now make them look like cats, I’ll explain later.

Remember when Lamborghinis had rear-wheel drive and gated manuals? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

You must be lost.


I have a 3.6 mile commute to work. I could drive this back and forth every day, 86 times, before I had to fill it up again. That’s like four months. I want one!