Laughed way harder at this than the 2nd episode of The Grand Tour.
Laughed way harder at this than the 2nd episode of The Grand Tour.
As a 911 owner, I NEED this shirt...
$15000 times 135% (Trump’s proposed tariff) is $20,000. I’m not a senior economist, though, so maybe take a stab with your own calculator.
Not sure about you, but my healthcare was already going up 10, 15, 20% every year before Obamacare was a twinkle in someone’s eye. Getting rid of Obamacare is going to do absolutely jack squat to stop the rise in healthcare costs.
I think they just used the 35 percent tariff Trump threatened to impose.
If Trump’s tariffs go through (especially on goods from China), we are all going to see the cost of living go way up. Which would be fine if our pay also went way up, but he hasn’t presented on single idea that I’ve seen that would result in pay increases for most Americans. Everything I’ve seen will most likely end…
This is the shortsightedness that people seem to think is a solution. My favorite is the retorict of, “why don’t we just make everything here in the US and not China”. We can, but are you ready to pay more for everything, becasue you can’t pay people $.30 an hour in in the US to make shit to sell at walmart. People…
Yup. He’s already talking about taxing SS distributions. Aren’t poorer, uneducated white males, kind of the ones who need to rely on SS when they retire?
Trump mostly talked his ass off until now.
I would watch any show where the three of them talk. I find it endlessly interesting and entertaining
beautiful how they say in the end that the only thing which matters for good automotive journalism, isn’t the shots, the cameras.. it’s words words words words words... so true. and this, is exactly why Top Gear USA failed so miserably to entertain us. They threw money at it, but no substance.. and we smelled the…
That’s it? A gif and barely a paragraph. No gameplay video, no personal impressions?
110% of road rage incidents are caused by self righteous lane defending cunts like the author of this video.
huh, i always thought it was caused by giant cocks who think they are above common courtesy.
proper way to handle this situation? BMW backs down and gets in behind because the dash cam car has the right of the…
The blinker is what you use to signal your intent to other drivers. If you don’t use it, then how can you have any expectation that others know you want to change lanes? Was everyone else supposed to read his mind? I8 driver is clearly an idiot, and clearly at fault for the entire situation.
I agree with you 100%. I couldn’t have done any better than the guy recording. People need to be told they’re assholes once in a while. This bro in the i8 is maximum bro. Fuck that guy.
You’re right. We should just let people do whatever the fuck they want on the road. Honking and letting them know they’re wrong is absolutely not a justifiable reaction.
Just like how I’m sure you always let people cut in front of you in line at the supermarket without saying anything. Saying something would be so rude!
Did you even watch the video?
There is a difference between not letting someone in and someone forcing their way over while they are still alongside you. If the person has enough room to swerve in without you altering your course, let him in. If his swerve will result in a sideswipe because HE’S STILL FUCKING BESIDE…
Also, before people jump all over the driver with the Dashcam, those camera’s have a very wide lens angle on them and the space between him and the car in front is much smaller than it looks. I have a Blackbox dash cam and a GoPro and both make it look like things are much further away then they are when you review…
For these situations I can let some of them slide in the interest of not being a complete jerk on the road. But when somebody is crossing the lane line without a signal, I honk so they don’t crash into me. So a horn would be expected as part of normal accident avoidance here. (edit, well the last one - stopping across…
What’s the difference between an i8 driver and a porcupine?