
As someone who grew up in Seattle (and loved the fictionalized version in Infamous Second Son), I would LOVE a Fallout in Seattle. Cultures of people or raiders living/utilizing Ferries! Slightly decimated forest areas with mutant cougars! Post apocalyptic ski resorts! Over-caffeinated super mutants plundering ancient

I wouldn’t mind Frasier’s apartment. Or NYC in FO5 with the apartments from Friends and Seinfeld. The skeletal remains of Marcel and Little Jerry would be welcome.

Ooooooo maybe the first DLC will take us to Seattle and we can visit KACL!

Looking forward to the article in one year asking where the developers disappeared to and what happened to all the money

I think they should emulate Destiny. Jason should just be a bigger character model with a lot of hit points and you should need to get 5 other people to take him down, but there should be no matchmaking and there should be certain spots on the map where you can kill him solo but it should take like an hour or so to do

I don’t get how anyone uses it non-inverted, that’s how mice have worked in games since their inception. When you look down in real life you push your head forward, not backward, and same for the other way, so back IS up and forward IS down. :P

Nice pics. Laguna? the landscape looks familiar but I can’t place those curves.

Wasn’t he second gen Ukrainian immigrant? Or Space Lizard from Moon?

When the internet is in outrage because Starbucks decided not to put Christmas shit on their coffee cups there need to be satirical articles to remind people how stupid they sound by being outraged that the world doesn’t revolve around them. (BTW last i checked it’s November, why is everyone pissed that there aren’t

This picture?

I’m sure a limited warranty on bodywork will lead to an airing of grievances

I think you need to unbunch your panties. It’s torch he does these goofy opinion pieces and most of the time he’s spot on. This is one of those times

Don’t worry, guys, I have this.

Maybe he should have used the sarcasm font.

Actually I don’t see how this hurts his credibility or professionalism. He’s pointing put the stupidity of self centered individuals who think the world revolves around them and their beliefs

You need that kind of structural integrity to handle the feats of strength.

Have you met his late night posts. This man is golden.

A Honda, but Jesus didn’t like to talk about it.

John 12:49- “For I do not speak of my own Accord...”

I’m holding out for the Festivus F-150.

This was literally the most painful thing I have ever read. Please, use periods.