My immediate thought - The Burton Batmobile
Came here for this, not disappointed.
One of my cars is a Fiat 500c. It’s totally impractical, so I am trying to sell it.
“Finally, The General has some bad animation that was probably cooked up on Windows ‘98, but you only see their ads on commercial breaks for Judge Judy.”
I’ve never drooled or done a double-take over a reliable car. Reliability is over-rated.
I just recently rented a Chevy Traverse and drove it 1600 miles in a week.
The dealer charge is for the labor to put all the stuff back into your glove cmpartment.
Those Chevy commercials where they try to show how “premium” their interiors are by having people say “This is a Chevy? I thought I was in a ___________”. Sure, maybe Mercedes is something common, but on of the people says “Infinity”. Seriously? Who that is sitting inside a Chevy Traverse saying “Hmm, I think this may…
“A/C just needs a charge”
I thought this was a commercial about stupid people, not for a car. Did I miss something?
I heard there was a scheme to sell people vehicles for an average of $30k or so, finance them for almost 6 years, warrant them for only 3-4, and after 6 years you might get 15%-20% of what you paid. And it’s apparently pretty widespread!
Dealerships offering to replace your cabin air filter for about $50.
The Nissan Altima “Race Car” commercial. Makes me want to vomit with rage.