Top Gun wasn’t about dogfighting, it wasn’t about the F-14, it wasn’t about Navy life, and it wasn’t about politics. THAT’S WHY IT WORKED.
Top Gun wasn’t about dogfighting, it wasn’t about the F-14, it wasn’t about Navy life, and it wasn’t about politics. THAT’S WHY IT WORKED.
The shit talking from arm chair race car drivers who could only dream of achieving what this dude has on four wheels is very delicious.
To be fair to him, if I had that sort of money I would be racing in some type of series as well. I’m not the worlds greatest driver and people would probably mock me...mostly people who aren’t driving a race car.
I had no clue a 200 came with that much power....holy shit
Holy crap that is a staggering 11 hp more than a Chrysler 200 and almost 28hp more than an Accord! this kind of power should be illegal!!!!
I wonder if that has anything to do with the government requiring more and more stuff be on cars.
Thousands of brave men gave their lives on that beach in France 71 years ago so that 1 Caitlyn Jenner has the freedom to be whatever the fuck she wants to be and 2 you have the freedom to be fucking small minded and petty about it
Mmm, so edgy to keep using the name Bruce. And in all caps too! That will surely convince Caitlyn this was all a mistake. My point, which you seem to have missed entirely, is there are different kinds of courage in the world. My brain is big enough to consider World War II soldiers AND people who publicly come out as…
It’s Caitlyn Jenner, and by insisting we exclusively accept a very narrow definition of courage you're doing a disservice to the men who gave their lives on that beach to ensure we have the freedoms that allow people to be who they are today.
This and the other great info graphic gawker wrote about a day or two ago called “the fallen of world War II” are excellent representations of the sheer size and magnitude of loss of life humanity experienced during WWII. Hopefully mankind never has to experience loss in such volume again.
This is the correct answer, but for the wrong reason. The real reason is that this V6 sounds better than any V6 on the planet.
What's not to like about this one?