
How could we forget the Growler E 2011 Concept, based on a XKR, styled like an ol' E Type?

How about this, it is known as the 'Priapism' (The name given to a sustained and extremely painful erection lasting hours). Basically a big go-cart with two chevy 350 engines (producing a combined 1000hp) that weighs 2500 pounds.

I know. I finally got one. I have a 2005 Midnight Blue Magnum R/T with a Mopar cold air intake, headers, and Flowmaster exhaust system. Did I pay for those upgrades? Nope, the previous owner did. Car looks bone stock too. I love the car but despise the rubbermaid plastics in the interior. And I still have my hatch for


But seriously - this car (maybe not this particular picture) is fucking fantastic.

Hey guys, I can drive too! -Jay Kay

Let me stop you right there...

Needs more trebuchet.

I, for one, cannot wait till that Klingon Battle Ship style front bumper stop being the trend in car design.

It's the hipster-reflex. They can't help it.

Nice to see that sad bitch poster is right on time.

It looks like the size of an accord coupe from a few generations past. They might as well start making Fit SIs to cover the old civic niche.

This dude puts everyone with a Movemberstash to shame.

i'm getting tired of seeing this shit on every fucking article. not everyone on the internet knows about your seedy ass rss feeds, shut the fuck up and deal with it or move on.

nothing new southpark did that one already

Yeah raping a 13 year girl orally, vaginally and anally is a pretty big fucking mistake in my book. What has he learned from it? Not to rape children? Great lesson. Funny I didn't have to make that mistake once to know I shouldn't do it. Fuck Roman Polanski.

Wicker dash FTW!!

The butt end is still ugly, though. The 500L SEMA concept is pretty sweet looking, though (even from the rear)

For some reason I feel like Forza would totally put these in.. they're like the Jalopnik of of racing games while Gran turismo reminds me of Autoblog

The Jalopnik track should be half tarmac and half loose gravel for obvious reasons. Jumps and water hazards are still optional :)