
I realize we were good last year, but that was a weak WYTS. I assume it’s like Drew says, and he actually LIKED watching this team. A bit of a letdown, though. As a KC fan I was hoping for some real frothy hate here. Oh, well. I’m sure one of our skill players will murder someone this season, most likely a child.

AB was raped?!?

How is Human Cheeto Diarrhea not on this list!?!?

Apparently, that last arrest went completely dwight past him.

It’s getting a lot more play nowadays due to Hurricane Barry.

Wait... you’re saying the Cardinal Way is the correct way for a team to aspire to, versus the fuck-a-mole, pothole in the road, shit that is the Patriot Way ? What the fuck, man?!? I hope I misread your comment. St. Louis’ team mentality is one of the worst ever, and its racist shit-troll fanbase is at least as bad as

Dumb, but you got me.

Who cares, though? 

Bill Walton’s a shit broadcaster.

I flip back and forth constantly, which may make sense as the last personality test I took said I was 51% extrovert, 49% introvert. I’m just all over the map! If I was an athlete I would be coveted for my switch-hitting phone skills.

“...realistically depict...”

My brain always thinks Rich Paul is the State Farm version of Chris Paul, which makes these LeBron articles much funnier.

“Dammit, McNulty!”

“... got their for the block.” is a bad look, Sporsblogg Dude.

Oh my God, that’s an order of magnitude better at life than I was at 23, man.

But, they’re not doing it chronologically, so it’s not //Ultra Nerd\\. This is a thing, so say my “friends.”

His test-taking ability doesn’t make him ‘smart.

I fucking love this.

Boots of Spring Heeled Jack made Oblivion great! You could jump off the tallest of peaks. Good times!

Now this “sport” is drawn into political warfare of something I’ve never been a huge fan of, get ready. Everyone seemingly hates everyone now. Hardliners are taking over the headlines. Most of us are loving people, but media does what media does: it exposes the best and worst of us. And, I fear, the worst of us has a