
I still refuse to believe that’s an actual thing on the grounds I’ve never met a jetskiier who made me think they had what it took to go pro. Professional cup stackers, sure okay I get it, I guess. Professional jetski? Nope, no such thing.


The official major is “Pre-med Until I Fail Organic Chemistry Then Maybe Media Studies.”

(and my kid)

I love “Loose horse in a hospital” bit about Trump and also whenever I see Kushner I remember Mulaney saying: “Whoa, that tall child looks terrible!” lol

Personally, I blame the parents (‘Skylar’ for fuck’s sake. What did you expect?)

My heart goes out to the Caymans. Here in Hawaii, we have a similar situation: we rely on tourism for our economy, but have enacted strict protocols to save lives at its expense. As a result, we have the hardest hit economy in the nation. I’m sure that the Caymans are in the same boat. Who can come to Hawaii for a

I think hephep put it best, above, with “This is exactly the type of crime people who are pro-death penalty point to as evidence that it should exist.”

*aspiring astronaut-fireman-race car driver-professional monster killer, thank you very much.

I don’t think that’s what is being said. It’s that if empathy has a limits, this is way past the line. This was a very premeditated horrific crime. It’s not someone lashing out at an abuser or perceived threat. She befriended a pregnant woman, strangled her, and cut her baby out. I’m opposed to the death penalty too,

Holy shit, that entire story, including the interview with her father, was fucking hilarious. There’s a reason every country on the planet not named America thinks were all assholes and idiots. Fuck that dipshit and, did they pull her dad from hunting for that interview or is that just how he dresses? And he hangs out

I was today years old when I learned that professional jet-skiing is a thing.

IF you are going to have a death penalty then this woman deserves it. I have worked with victims of horrific abuse and they didn’t kill any pregnant women and cut out their babies

Yeah, I’m opposed to the death penalty but can see how if you were inclined to support it, this would be the kind of crime you’d want it used for.

So much to unpack. Partially have to blame the parents for naming her Skylar which sounds like a space-age fabric they make kites and wingsuits out of. She should be real happy that she didn’t spit on the ground in Singapore instead, that woulda been a caning. (‘member that car smashing choad who found that out?) She

I’m sure politely asking a corrupt billionaire to voluntarily piss off the government of a notorious tax haven is a strong play.  

An 18 year old is a pre-med student in the same sense that a 6 year old is an aspiring astronaut.

I have seldom left my home since March, turned retirement savings into groceries and watched my remaining marbles roll out of my skull in continuing isolation.

Because she carefully plotted and carried out an incredibly violent murder?

How is it that we haven’t hit peak Becky Amy Karen yet?