Ike Turner, the rock and roll pioneer who she says abused her horrifically
Ike Turner, the rock and roll pioneer who she says abused her horrifically
I’d go a step further and mabye ask yourself why you need to post your workouts online to begin with. If you really feel the need to broadcast your life, then maybe just a sentence on how you had a good workout and be done with it. The workout is for your health, not for social acceptance. If you find the compulsion…
Maybe don’t fill our feeds with self-centred fitness stuff, and there’d be less negative comments in the first place?
Easy solution...don’t post workout pictures on social media. Oh you ran 5 miles this morning and posted your route? Guess what, no one cares.
I got a little hungry after I typed that line, I’ll admit.
Relatedly, Argento was one of the many women who accused Weinstein of rape in 2017, becoming a leader in the #MeToo movement. That role was complicated after she was accused of sexual assaulting actor Jimmy Bennett when he was 17-years-old.
Honestly a Venezualan-styled pork chop sounds like it would be a delicious choice in a fancy restaurant.
Normally, when I hear about stuff like this, I have to have an internal debate with myself in regards to separating the artist from the art. Usually because there are so many other people involved with creating the art, I can still support the product.
Their position is pretty clear:
I feel like this is a very odd place to build a case about who is accountable. People who study and research the Middle East (of which I am one) have LONG known Callimachi to be an uncredible and credulous reporter - she reports on the Arab world and doesn’t speak Arabic. She’s had several occasions where she’s had to…
Fair point. I’ve never understood being fans of colleges for just their sports, but completely agree that folks expressing their fandom is a legit reason to wear the merch.
If only there was some party that stood for personal responsibility. You know, not relying on handouts from the government to get you out of a tough spot. These people need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps.
These people need to get better lawyers.
Thing is I don’t think any of these nut jobs expected they would need a pardon. Judging by the chaos and disbelieving mayhem on their cesspool websites they truly believed that by sundown on January 20 Biden and Harris’s heads would be on pikes and the shit stain would have declared himself emperor and ascended to the…
Every now and then even the best lawyer gets a client who cannot be defended by any stretch of the legal imagination. Including being on the losing side of any plea deal. Better to just not waste time beyond the bare minimum, give ‘em a 5% discount and let the judge throw the book at them.
Fuck it and fuck them, they deserve no less from killing people.
What is this? Did I just have a stroke? Do you actually get paid for this shit? What?
Sorry to disappoint but probably only about 20% of QAnon people feel duped. The rest just moved the goalposts yet again and are as committed as ever.
Today was a giant exhale for the USA and I'm LIVING for Q tears and these white supremacist assholes who thought they were getting a pardon from Daddy Trump. And pardoning Bannon whose primary crime was grifting racist assholes who thought they were funding a wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for?)