“Does this generally mean that they will be transitioning eventually?”
Chris Brown is the objectively worst Chris - he beats up his girlfriends.
Yeah... I’m sympathetic to any restaurant owner who’s like “this is why we can’t have nice things - sit your ass down and eat like a gatdamn civilized human!” I mean, you can’t even twerk at the waffle house. That being said, he *did* sorta go off on a bit of a tangent there.
Maybe you have to opt-in. In which case DON’T DO IT, DUDE! IT’S A TRAP!
Good point. This might end up being a total non-issue as majority-black communities won’t even get access to it until after the rich whites have all gotten theirs.
That’s what the Turkey Trot is for.
I’ll bet it’s that no one knew Chavez was dead, so they approved the conspiracy theory, then when someone was like “so... actually, we probably should have read the Wikipedia page...” they had to cut her loose.
Yeah, why can’t he stop with the crap un-funny monologues and go back to the skits?
IKR? Just... how in the fuck can you spew that many slurs and think “oh, yeah, this is a good thing to post publicly?”
This. Drunk takes away the filter and the eloquence, but, like vomit, a racist tirade’s only coming out if it was there to begin with.
Disagree. They don’t know if you’re nice or psycho and it’s not on them to take the risk. You can learn to behave in society, which includes understanding how noise works.
Disagree. They don’t know if you’re nice or psycho and it’s not on them to take the risk. You can learn to behave in society, which includes understanding how noise works.
Huh. Guess we know where you fall on the noisy spectrum.
Yeah, well I’m drowning it all in gravy and I don’t care.
Chill. It’s one thing if she tries to force her religion on others, but if she just says that God told her husband to grab her titties... well, that’s hardly hurting anyone.
Yeah, I guess that’s why they never bugged me much. It never feels malicious, just sorta alien-interested-in-the-mundane-actions-of-earthlings, so I can’t be bothered to take offense.
1.) it was about trump, and 2.) “soft” is another way to say “wuss.”
So what’s the over-under on half the attendees just being multitaskers who want to fulfil a submissive kink and lose weight at the same time?
If you mean the USA, yes, there are federal laws against murder.