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    That or maybe it got “trendy” in England.

    Yeah, wtf was up with all the passionfruit?  Mango is at least good...

    I’d keep firm side-eye on the one who thinks being a military muckety means one has insider info

    Always a classic

    I have supported and will continue to support it both rhetorically and financially.

    Eeeh... I’m not sure if “financial mismanagement” is the right term for “shit ton of fraud and embezzlement.” I mean... doesn’t Atlanta have some other perfectly decent HBCUs that haven’t been run by scam artists?  Can’t we just support those ones?

    My dumb non-TV-watching-ass misunderstood this as someone quitting from a Real Housewives show because it was toxic and I was like “I mean... yes, but... well... isn’t that the point?

    I hate it when that happens.

    I... might just have to see it now.

    I always told myself it was just the prologue to the two girls dating in college.

    Said no one ever.

    You know, there’s an old saying: “if you don’t like the neighbors gossiping about how you have sex, don’t fuck on the front lawn. I feel it can apply to a broader range of lawn-related fuckery.

    It could still be someone you want to keep contact with.  But generally yes, I agree - unless you reaaallly want to keep the person, cutting them loose is simplest.

    Gin, grapefruit juice, soda water, and apple bitters make up my favorite summer drink.

    Well, if it’s a rando you don’t care about, sure.  If it’s a closer friend or family member, you want to get them out of it.

    Nah, you’re right - there needs to be second article being like “ok, so NOW let’s have a chat with all you assholes who tried to hamstring this every step of the way.”

    Oh Melania will be watching from the balcony with wine and a fur coat - like that neighbor watching the Ivanka protests

    I mean, it can be both? Black people definitely threw the fuck down in Georgia, NC, and Penn - especially georgia. And for Georgia especially, it’s heartening to see the republicans realize that black people are 30% of the population and an electoral force to be reckoned with. But yeah, at 20% in NC and 10% in Penn

    This is my take on it - you can’t expect the actor to know how all the effects are going to look like.  We need an apology from the fuckers who saw the actual disability and were like “hey, great idea.”

    Basically in the books and movies witches aren’t quite human and have several distinguishing characteristics that prove their inhumanity. In the books they have claws instead of fingernails, are bald, and have square feet with no toes.  In the movie they took a real-life hand deformity and made it one of the “signs of