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    Yeah this was grade-A “Pay attention to meeee” boomer shit.

    The funny thing is that the protesters weren’t even there for these guys and their ugly ass house.  They were just walking past them.

    It’s greased liiiiiightening!

    So actually the tampon thing is more sensible than it seems.  NASA over-engineers and overstocks everything having to do with human safety, so basically they went “Imagine the worst case scenario and quadruple it.”

    Ok, so hydroquinone actually has legitimate skincare uses. Basically if you have dark spots from old pimple scars, melasma, liver spots, or other splotchy spots, it’s great for clearing those up. It’s just not healthy to slather it all over your face for months at a time because you’re trying to get 5 shades lighter

    Nah, what she means is “why are people paying attention to her and not me? It’s a cosmic injustice that more people aren’t paying attention to me! Pay attention to me!”

    I mean I honestly don’t see how new content creators are less problematic than old.

    Are you being sarcastic?  I mean, it’s the same advice everyone tells guys: have pictures that show a bit of who you are, a concise profile that does a bit of the same, and don’t send unsolicited dick pics.

    You get spanked if you lose?

    Sure he does! It’s like “goldy” and “bronzy” only it’s made out of iron. 

    Nah, it’s just saying “actually think hard about whether you’re actually helping or whether you’re being more of a nuisance.”

    There’s really just one rule: HAVE AN ACTUAL SKILL THAT’S IN DEMAND. Are you a doctor or dentist who takes an occasional trip abroad to provide free medical services? Great. Could your volunteer job be done by a reasonably-unskilled person working at minimum wage? No one fucking needs you in a third world country, go

    “We support Black Lives Matter?”Uh, receipts please. Who are we kidding, the only receipts we’ll find are a bunch of racist memes on facebook.

    Aw, Hal Sparks!  I love that guy.

    Uh, wtf?  Anthony Hopkins doesn’t eat people in real life, you know?

    I dunno... I mean, it doesn’t seem to fit.  Mrs. Welland would be a “we don’t discuss unpleasant things” type who only forwards those inspirational quotes about friendship and love or whatever.

    Can’t it be both? I mean, I don’t see a contradiction between going “the USA is so racist that racial slurs are ingrained in people’s subconscious to the point that it’s even a crazy person’s go-to,” and “see exhibit A, a crazy person.”

    Pretty sure the only statement you’ll get from this is from her court-appointed guardian going “yeah, sorry we let her out of the institution - we thought she was doing better.”

    Only do it if you can kick really high.  Punch that woman in the mouth and you’ll get a fragment of rotten tooth stuck in your knuckle, and those get horribly infected.