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    She could be a Study Abroad student, be a recent immigrant, or have a very sheltered upbringing - you never know. A quick check would be fine.  

    This is why I always go by “bob” for anything in F&B.  Harder to screw up.

    It’d be fine to give them the heads-up - especially if you had good reason to believe they might not know about the association. But at the end of the day, it’s their choice to use their unfortunate-implications name or not, and you don’t get to demand it of them.

    Frankly I’d rather they shut up altogether and focused on simply being ethical in their businesses.  Solid anti-discrimination practices for their employees are not as flashy, but make a far better impact.

    Oh, you used the word “absolutely.”  Well, case closed then.

    Yeah... they don’t do that any more.  It’s usually Hydroquinone.

    Yeah... it’s sorta complicated. On the one hand, people do legitimately use these products for blemish/spot treatment (old acne scars, liver marks, etc.) and they should have the right to do that if they want.  On the other, people do misuse it for “fairness” purposes.  On the third hand, does discontinuing a face

    It’s still an egg mcmuffin.

    Seriously!  She’s crying over an Egg McMotherFuckingMuffin!  How in the hell did she think it was a good idea to post that?

    Yeah, if they just wanted to show up at the rally in suits? Sure. Suit yourself. But by passive-aggressively implying that people are getting teargassed because they didn’t dress respectably enough? Hell nah.

    Yeah, there was zero fear there.

    Nah.  It can be both, you know.  Someone can be a racist and shitty in other aspects of their life.  Pointing out that Cooper was just your garden-variety bitch that used racism when it suited her is appropriate if it’s accurate.  

    Beckys are just sorta passive-aggressive bitchy. A Becky is going to check the IDs of every black person (but no white people) coming in to use the pool, but she’s gonna be real nice about it. “Hi, how y’all doing, can I just do a quick check - I have to because Rules - ok got you all checked out, have a nice day [big

    Look at the username.  It’s clearly a troll.

    Yeah, she has it on video, so she’s probably just like “oh do please keep running your mouth,” because she knows it’s all going online.

    Heh. I’ve been watching too much Starkid, because now all I can think of is Cornwallis, king of the lobsters and nemesis of Titty Mitty.

    This. Y’all lost, and your entire war was to deprive people of freedom - kinda seems like those are good reasons to remove the confederate names if you really want it to stand for “ a history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom.”

    Seems a little pointless - like HBO wants to make a statement but won’t nut up to actually do something relevant. I can think of far more racist movies, plus it’s not like hordes of young impressionable kids were putting down their TikTok videos to watch the old thing. Also, how come it’s only the racism that people

    Yeah, especially because we already have a word for systemic racism: we call it Systemic Racism.  Trying to make “racism” = “systemic racism” seems a bit pointless because we already have a word for that.

    I just scoop the noodles into the bowl with tongs and then use the tongs to stir it all up.  It always turns out great.