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    I supported Warren, but if tomorrow I could wave a magic wand and make Sanders or Biden president, I’d choose Biden. Not out of spite for Bernie Bros (though they are annoying) but because I have no confidence in Sanders to effectively pass a bill supporting an orgy in a constituency of brothel customers, much less a

    Hilary clinton with a penis and minus 30 years of rabid republican conspiracy-theory clinton-hate.

    This. Don’t you dare confuse Warren supporters with Bernies. Warren has always been the practical “get shit done” candidate, and her supporters reflect that. Bernie’s entitled ‘well I’ll vote 3rd party and YOU ALL CAN JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I DON’T GET WHAT I WANT!’ is unique to them.

    Basically Bernie Bros are an entitled cult of personality that feel their guy should win even if he has no true qualifications for implementing any of his ideas.  Standard mediocre white man deserves it all just because.

    I agree. Yes, we need the federal banking and taxation issues worked out, but restorative justice for this is a state issue. Washington state’s doing an ok job of trying (wiping records, earmarking a percentage of licenses for certain people, etc.)

    I get where you’re coming from, but it feels counterproductive when it’s a middle school kid. How about we shame the school into providing more comprehensive anti-racism teaching (books, history, etc)?

    No, it’s a kid.  His/her dumbassery is probably mainly his/her parents’ fault at this point.

    Horseshit.  Shang was dropped before the #MeToo thing got big.  This is some after-the-fact pandering.

    This. Bernie has proven himself to be ineffective for 20 years - no big-time republicans are worried about what he’ll do.

    WTF are you talking about? The question isn’t whether or not I’d heard of her (I haven’t, but tbf I’m not on twitter or instagram and I don’t care to know most people).  The question is whether the people who made this book ripped her off.  GTFO with your “silencing” bullshit.  Either they ripped her off or they

    It’s not airtight luggage, they were both on some strong substances that contributed to his breathing her problems and her passing out asleep.

    Yeah, puns are usually fun, but I think in this case we shouldn’t.

    What does it say about the state of our country that this is now the hilarious joke scandal?

    I’m not sure I like it when we talk about a woman in her 20's getting with a man twice her age, and we act like she’s the mastermind genius as opposed to maybe a young person manipulated by someone with a lot more life experience.

    Yeah, I’ve been solidly “wait until it all comes out” since the beginning, and through each twist, and I’m still of the opinion that we don’t know the whole story.  That being said, it really is starting to look like a mutual shitshow.

    Because veggies cooked in meat are healthy and delicious.

    I do hope so.

    So... she seriously just went to the next ugly hollywood sexual predator she could find and was like “hey, you wanna?”

    I fly regularly for work and unless you’re the jolly green giant, no, your knees aren’t affected by reclining.  

    Did you consider waving down a stewardess and being like “sorry, but my legs will seriously not fit in here - is there any way I can switch?”